Daily Archives: July 17, 2013

I Can Think Clearly Now

I am a doctor. The Prayer Minister at Aslan’s Place prayed for me while I was going through a very stressful period of time in my life. I felt like I was being harassed by the enemy. I was feeling like I was in a cloud in my mind, that […]

Sensing the Presence of Angels

Oh man, brother Cox’s has made me aware of angelic activity-their presence and recognizing more of their presence, whether it’s feather’s laying around or their presence which seems the atmosphere becomes peaceful, delightful, airy, wind that flows around you-just a knowing in the room of their presence as it surrounds […]

Healed from cancer

On December 26, 2008 I was reading Paul’s book “Heaven Trek” and after praying the prayer I began to vomit like I never had in 56 years. Something had happened. I felt healed. I called Aslan’s Place Ministry and spoke to a lovely lady and prayed with her. I then […]

After Prayer at Aslan’s Place

Just wanted to give you a quick update: The difference I feel since receiving ministry is like night and day. There is such a huge shift. I went to church last night and prayed for folks at the altar and was amazed at how much more clearly I was seeing. […]

Phone Prayer

First and most importantly I would like to thank the Prayer Minister for the ministry last Tuesday. I’ve been trying to process with the Lord all that happened. I know this will take time and I don’t want to rush. I know that I was set free from a lot […]

Testimony at Aslan’s Place

The ministry of Aslan’s Place has been immeasurably precious to me. It has bumped my life to a higher dimension and my understanding to have the vision for a much higher walk with our Lord Jesus. My one hour and three hours of generational ministry with the Prayer Minister has […]

Praise God for Healing

My testimony is amazing to me. I have been in what I thought was very poor health: severe osteoarthritis, needing a hip replacement and severe allergies, but most distressful was the hypertension and uncontrollable atrial fibrillations of my heart. I could not get anything accomplished. I spent two months this […]

Prayer at Aslan’s Place

God gave me such an amazing experience exactly one week after my first prayer ministry session with the Prayer Minister at Aslan’s Place. That morning I woke up feeling fabulous. Not out of my own doing, but out of God’s goodness and grace. The Prayer Minister had prayed over me […]