General Interest Articles

AD and BC Timeline

When performing generational deliverance, it can be very handy to have a quick reference for key events in history.  For that reason, we put together these timeline reference sheets. These sheets should be considered a casual reference, and accurate to the best of our knowledge. This two page set contains events […]

Highways of Holiness

Outside of Fairbanks, Alaska in the mid 1990’s, I was praying through a church building with the pastor. No matter how much we prayed we could not seem to get a breakthrough. But then I had the impression to feel for lines running through the worship center, and felt lines […]

The Golden Pipes

While on a trip to Kaneohe, HI in October 2014, two friends had come for ministry during the last couple hours of a two-day fast. Almost halfway through the ministry session with the first person I felt, unexpectedly, both a spiritual shift and a pronounced burning sensation manifesting on the […]