General Interest Articles

List of Phobias

We provide this list of phobias as a reference in case these concepts come up during prayer.   Acrophobia               fear of heights Aerophobia               fear of flying Agoraphobia             fear of open spaces Agyiophobia             fear of streets Aichmophobia          fear of pointed objects Ailurophobia             fear of cats Akousticophobia      fear of sound Alcoholophobia        fear […]

How to Give a Blessing

Blessing – Hebrew Barak – Dictionary of New Testament Theology – endow with beneficial power.  Hence a blessing originally involved a self-contained beneficial force which one could transmit to another and which stood in contrast to another and which stood in contrast to the destructive power of cursing.    Theological Workbook […]

Council of Trent Curse

Curses were placed on all those who rejected the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church in the 1500s, especially those in the Protestant reformation.  As far as we can determine these curses have never been broken. Therefore, each of us should break, shatter, cut-off, dissolve and destroy these curses.  Also, […]

Curses of Poverty

The following information and prayers were researched and written by Richard Sicheneder. This is an extended explanation against poverty. The Curse Proverbs 10 15 The wealth of the rich is their fortified city, but poverty is the ruin of the poor. Lamentations 3 17 I have been deprived of peace; […]