The Power of the Whirlwind

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My life has been filled with transitions. After leaving the Baptist world of hymns and chorus, I discovered a new realm of worship music that was greatly influenced by the Vineyard and Calvary Chapel. Instead of singing about God, I learned to sing to God. One worship chorus that was very popular in the early nineties has now come back into my thoughts after the experiences of the past few months. In those earlier days, I had no idea that I would eventually experience a realm of His power beyond my understanding.

Kevin Prosch, the composer of Show Your Power, wrote:[1]

He is the Lord, and He reigns on high (He is the Lord)

Spoke into the darkness created the light (He is the Lord)

Who is like unto Him never ending in days (He is the Lord)

And He comes in power when we call on His name (He is the Lord)

Show Your power, O Lord my God

Show Your power, O Lord my God

O Lord my God

Your gospel, O Lord is the hope for our nation (You are the Lord)

It’s the power of God for our salvation (You are the Lord)

We ask not for riches but look to the cross (You are the Lord)

And for our inheritance, give us the lost (You are the Lord)

Send Your power, O Lord my God

Send Your power, O Lord my God


We sang these words numerous times, begging the Lord to show His power; and time after time He answered our plea, but not as we expected. His response came in a series of demonstrations of ever-increasing power. We would experience a new level of His power, adjust ourselves to the wonderful manifestation of His Glory, and then He would surprise us with an even greater level. In the fall of 2013 we began to touch something much stronger than we had felt before, but it would not be until October 2014 that the reality of this power came into clear focus.

I had been invited to speak at Kevin Basconi’s School of the Seers in 2013. On Sunday afternoon I had already realized that I had no direction for the evening service when Kevin came into my motel room to talk about what we would do. As we talked, we began feeling a whirlwind, so after Kevin left I started researching scriptures about the whirlwind. That evening we had barely started the service when the power of God was displayed, leaving us so stunned that we simply invited people to come forward as I sat and watched what the Lord was doing. Kevin has written a description of that evening in his new book, Unlocking the Hidden Mysteries of the Power of the Age to Come.[2]

At one of the School of the Seers in 2013 we went into another dimension and God did amazing things! The entire gathering of over 300 people were taken into the heavenly dimensions. As a result many experienced the realms of heaven first hand. Many people had their spiritual eyes and ears opened and began to see and hear from the heavenly dimensions. There was a supernatural impartation of the seer anointing. Dozens of people reported seeing and hearing from the realms of heaven for the first time. Many experienced the heavenly realm with all five of their temporal senses. In other words, they all started to minister unto God the Father as the priesthood of all believers (Revelation 1:5, 6).

In several sessions the angels of God were heard singing in unison with the spontaneous worship in the meetings. Many saw the Lord Jesus Christ step into the meetings. Others saw members of the great cloud of witnesses. Still others saw and recognized the Lord’s angels. Others saw unusual angelic beings or members of the Lord’s angelic hosts. People reported smelling the fragrances of heaven. The smell of frankincense, myrrh, and roses were manifested. The fragrance of the Lord permeated the conference center. We experienced an unusual amount and outpouring of miracles, signs, and wonders in the venue.

At times people actually felt attributes of the heavenly realms with their sense of touch. Others began to actually taste honey and other flavors of the Kingdom of Heaven as heaven literally invaded earth at the School of the Seers. People heard the voices of the angels of heaven entering into the worship at the meetings with their ears.

After this experience, whenever we taught on the whirlwinds of God we would often feel the whirlwind but had not yet really understood its full reality.

In October 2014 the Lord suddenly exposed the “golden pipes,” and we discerned that the golden pipes were located in a complex system of spiritual realities that were surrounded by the whirlwind. As I discerned the pipes I would put my hand in front of me about 18 inches away from my body. No matter what direction I would place my hand I could feel the movement of air traveling from my right to left side in a counter clockwise direction. If I was at rest, the whirlwind would simply circle around, but every time I would pray deliverance for a person the whirlwind would seem to speed up and carry the evil away. I would no longer feel the evil leaving as I had before, but could feel the deliverance by putting my hand into the whirlwind. A new level of God’s power had been revealed.

I love confirmation of what the Lord is doing and on October 24, 2014, one year after our first encounter with the whirlwind, Chuck Pierce made a declaration that the New Year, the Hebrew year 5775 (the year of Ayin Hei) would be the year of the whirlwind. In his email on that date he showed many examples of actual whirlwinds around the world.

Many of us have also observed that the whirlwind may often feel very cold. I first discerned this coldness when I felt the “cloud of His Glory.” When Ezekiel saw the whirlwind coming out of the north he described his vision:

Then I looked, and behold, a whirlwind [supa] was coming out of the north, a great cloud with raging fire engulfing itself; and brightness was all around it and radiating out of its midst like the color of amber, out of the midst of the fire.[3]

It would seem that the cloud and the whirlwind are the same and that is why we often discerned the coldness. On October 22, 2014, I had a dream in which it was summer but the temperature was only one degree Fahrenheit. I believe this dream was speaking to me about the coldness of the cloud of His Glory.

There are two key Hebrew Old Testament words that are translated into the English word “whirlwind.”

  1. Sûpâ, which means storm wind (Isa 5:28; Hos 8:7). The basic meaning of this verb is reflected in ASV, RSV, whereas KJV has “be consumed.” It is used of God’s judgment (Ps 73:19; Jeramiah 8:13; Amos 3:15), especially in the end of things (Isa 66:17; Zephaniah 1:2f.), and of the unending annual observation of Purim (Esther 9:28).[4]
  2. Sāʿar, which means storm, whirlwind, tempest, windstorm. The word is used to describe a literal storm (Ps 107:25ff; 148:8) sometimes as a symbol of God’s judgment (Isa 29:6). Its use as a theophany (Job 38:1; 40:6) renders more understandable Elijah’s translation into heaven in a whirlwind (II Kgs 2:1). It is used as “to storm” as in during Jonah’s sea flight (Jon 1:11ff.). Taking its meaning from a physical storm, sāʿar usually appears in contexts of upheaval and distress. Hosea (13:2–3) warns the Israelites of his day that because of their idolatry, God would send them away into exile as chaff driven by a “tempest” (cf. Zechariah 2:8–14), Isaiah (54:11–14) prophesies that the God of all grace and compassion will yet restore his “storm” tossed and troubled people and establish them in righteousness in a land of unsurpassing beauty and safety.[5]

As we look at the scriptures that contain the word “whirlwind” we observe the tremendous power of the whirlwind and its use by the Almighty in judging and annihilating evil. The scope of this power becomes very evident in these Bible verses.[6]

Job 37:9–13: from the chamber of the south comes the whirlwind [supa], and cold from the scattering winds of the north. By the breath of God ice is given, and the broad waters are frozen. Also with moisture He saturates the thick clouds; He scatters His bright clouds. And they swirl about, being turned by His guidance, that they may do whatever He commands them on the face of the whole earth. He causes it to come, whether for correction, or for His land, or for mercy.


Proverbs 1:27-33: When your terror comes like a storm, and your destruction comes like a whirlwind [supa], When distress and anguish come upon you. “Then they will call on me, but I will not answer; they will seek me diligently, but they will not find me. Because they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord, they would have none of my counsel and despised my every rebuke. Therefore they shall eat the fruit of their own way, and be filled to the full with their own fancies. For the turning away of the simple will slay them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them; but whoever listens to me will dwell safely, and will be secure, without fear of evil.”

Proverbs 10:25: When the whirlwind [supa] passes by, the wicked is no more, but the righteous has an everlasting foundation.

Isaiah 17:13: The nations will rush like the rushing of many waters; but God will rebuke them and they will flee far away, and be chased like the chaff of the mountains before the wind, like a rolling thing before the whirlwind [supa].

Isaiah 40:24: scarcely shall they be planted, scarcely shall they be sown, scarcely shall their stock take root in the earth, when He will also blow on them, and they will wither, and the whirlwind [saar] will take them away like stubble.

Isaiah 66:14-16: When you see this, your heart shall rejoice, and your bones shall flourish like grass; the hand of the Lord shall be known to His servants, and His indignation to His enemies. For behold, the Lord will come with fire and with His chariots, like a whirlwind [supa], to render His anger with fury, and His rebuke with flames of fire. For by fire and by His sword the Lord will judge all flesh; and the slain of the Lord shall be many.

Since completing my BA in History and English from Pepperdine University, I have had a sense of history, realizing that not only do we study history, but we also live in events that certainly will become historical to those who follow us. With this in mind, I have endeavored to record all the dreams and words given to me by others. This has proven to be beneficial when new revelation comes and I realize that what the Lord is currently showing us has previously been prophesied. When the revelation of the whirlwind first came I searched through my documents and was astonished at what I found. I would like to share these words with you, the first of which was almost ten years ago! Please also note that these words give us an indication of further revelation about the whirlwinds that might be coming.

March 14, 2005, Mimi Lowe: “Whirlwind, whirlwind, whirlwind, whirlwind. Revelation coming, revelation coming, revelation coming. You’re going to dip into the pool. Let go, let go, let go, let go! You’ve never been there before, you’ve never been there before! There’s another well, there’s another well, there’s another well. Unearth the well, unearth the well, and unearth the well. Jump in, jump in, jump in! Bring your children in, bring your children in.”

August 13, 2007, Robin Shannon: Sees whirlwinds and oaks of righteousness. “Acceleration in due time. We’re oaks of righteousness. Whirlwinds of acceleration – picking us up and we’re skipping and jumping over. We’re running and not being weary. We’re speeding up into God’s time. Invite the whirlwinds. It’s a wall of fire spinning away the bad, the impurities. The glory comes in. He wants us to be hit with lightning. In order for this to happen the living water has to flow and to get rid of the impurities. He must spin us.”

April 14, 2007, Jana Green: “Zion awaits. Come to the mountain of the Lord. Be taught by the Lord. You have not known your authority. A place to learn. Agree with Zion. The wealth of the ages awaits. Come and get it. You are the timeline. I am fixing history. The righteousness is before you. The Lord is your rear guard. Connect now. My reward is with Me. It is a new mindset. The Kingdom mindset. Riches in Glory. Heavenly currency. It is in the whirlwind. Command victory for Zion. Agree with Zion. The power of the age to come. You are the timeline. Where history comes together, both the latter and the early rains meet. It is like a potter’s wheel. It is a hub.”

June 4, 2008, Mimi Lowe: “Whirlwind. I am sending a whirlwind. To remove the debris in your life. For you have been commissioned to go forth and you will go forward in power and might for no evil can stand before you.”

March 6, 2010, Larry Pearson: “A new height is being birthed. An aspect of the stones needs to be cleansed. There is a new assignment. New angels coming. New assignment. New heights. New ground. New sounds. New strength. New frequencies. New graces for new races. Whirlwinds are being released. They will pick up the stones and there will be a cleansing. Stones being put in peoples bellies after they are cleansed in the whirlwind.”

March 30, 2010 Persis Tiner: “Whirlwinds, Whirlwinds. It’s coming in the whirlwinds. Be in the rest or you will miss what I am sending. Energy, motion, movement. Changing sounds, changing colors. Will pass you by in the twinkling of your eye unless your spirit is at rest in Me. Secrets and matter, new and bold are coming in the whirlwinds as yet untold and to unfold before your eyes. You will see new shapes and matter, which represent Me.”

April 3, 2010, Jana Green: “These seven watching. Deeper still. But these four are emanating. Deeper still. For the Kingdom of God is not here or there, for the Kingdom is within you. The depth is within you. The expanse of the universe, these fiery ones are more to be discovered, there is more to be uncovered. Go for the oil. The treasury is abundant. This fiery presence is sought after. Deeper still from the origin to the hereafter. A restoration like never before. It is in the whirlwind, above and below. Back and forth, to and fro, up and down, and here we go. It is the bare elements. The stones undefiled. It is true inheritance. It is an all-consuming fire. There is much to learn, so get to it. These seven watching will prove it. Wisdom, wisdom. You emanate a desire. These for the foundation. They are among the fire.”

June 3, 2010, Larry Pearson: “New combinations of stones, new expansion, new authority, new ground for a new sound. Behold a turn around; behold the full circle. Birthing of a breakthrough. Behold a new thing has come. The old power source has died. A re-wiring and re-firing. A brand new path to be carved out. New levels to occupy in the realms of glory. You’ve built the foundation but now here comes the rest of the story. Whirlwinds, whirlwinds, whirlwinds. Three different levels of whirlwinds…there may be three stages to this. Three stages, three breakthroughs, three connections. Do not fear, your provision draws near.”

July 25, 2010, Larry Pearson: “The platelets are shifting toward righteousness. For no doubt, the King of Righteousness is being revealed. As the King of righteousness is revealed, I will raise up my sons and daughters with righteousness. They are of a new breed; they are of a new seed. As you stand behind this new breed, they will open up a new path, carve out a new path. They will be like the vanguard to pierce like an arrow into that which has exalted itself against the king of righteousness. They will spread out to the east, west, and north, south. They will become my new compass. This will be multi-dimensional and multi-purposed. I’m seeing a hurricane-sized whirlwind…what is that Lord? These sons & daughters of righteousness will release a revolution to turn things around, a revolution to bring things full circle, a revolution to open up the timing of the Father, the intention of the Father.”

August 3, 2010, Larry Pearson: “Day of His presence. The cloud the size of a man’s hand has been. Today I am shifting everything that has been shifted. I am establishing a new order. Pillars of righteousness. Pillars of might. Behold the day of the fear of the Lord is at hand. Day of the Kingdom will overshadow the day of the church. Behold the day of my counsel will supersede and trump the counsel of man. The counsel of man, the ungodly hirelings are being displaced. Behold a birthing of a new move. Behold the birthing of something completely new. Let My eagles go. Let My eagles come out and fly. Take off the lids, the limits. It has got way too politically correct. My Son will be drunk. He will be the God of war in your midst.   Behold the day of the righteous. Whirlwind will blow away the chaff; blow away ungodly roots and shoots. Behold the realm of the secret place. The day of shaking has come, find your secret place. He that is in you is unshakable. Step into the deep. Come out of the shallow end.”

October 5, 2010, Rob Gross: “The gate has opened. The wind is rushing. It is a whirlwind. The army is advancing. The recruits are coming. They are young, but the seeds of greatness are contained within them. The gate is open. I am sending them to you. They will be an advanced tactical training. I am going to release strategy for My end time harvest. The door is opening, but it is not going to stay open for ever. It is a season of harvest. Angel of provision. I have seen the need and I shall provide. Fear not. The trumpet is sounding. I am calling my young ones. I am assembling them. Increased authority and power, power. Dunamis power. Sending center. Apostolic sending center. Train and send. Train and send. I am going to turn the current on. Get ready for a new season of increase power and authority. Advance, advance, advance. Do not be afraid.”

October 19, 2010, Larry Pearson: Sees something big landing. “Close encounters of the Kingdom Kind. New encounters. Whirlwinds are being released. Be ready to be taken to a new place. You have entered a new ship. It is a ship that is taking you to new quadrants. It will take you awhile to get your footings. Everything is completely new. It will take awhile to get you used to you. It will take you up a notch. There is a whole new realm of rest, dominion and peace. Dominion and peace will produce the provision.”

April 18, 2012, Larry Pearson: “A wave of deliverance carried by a wave of My deliverers. New regions of the realms that will be delivered and there will be new treasures and new alliances. There will be a new shaking in the body of Christ. I am releasing whirlwinds to clean out the mess. There are new depths to be revealed, to arise and to bring understanding. New keys to come. Greater understanding of the grid and your purpose with the grid. This is a season to focus and hit the mark.”

June 15, 2012, Larry Pearson: “I heard ‘heavenly realities’, heaven’s reality being made known. Issues from the Throne, through the Council unto the earth, heaven’s reality. Now is the time to see a great divide between the mind of man and the mind of God. The mind of man is going to get more and more twisted, and the mind of God will be brighter and brighter until the Zenith of the perfect day, the day of Christ, the dawning of Christ through a people. The power of agreement will see manifestation and demonstration of heaven’s reality and heaven’s light for I am He. There’s going to be a decree through a body of people, the body and breath of Jesus saying ‘I am He’. I see the falling over of systems, and robed religious ones falling over as He proclaims with one voice through a people ‘I am He’. Like the standing up in the spirit in the council of God, earth will see a council on earth standing up, standing up for righteousness, standing up for mercy, and standing up for life. There will be an authority on the standing like Steven of old. Like Steven of old, that will be able to proclaim ‘Father forgive them for they know not what they do.’ There will be an unlocking of religion as we know it, and treasures from the religious mountain are going to come forth. Your ministry, Paul, has been first fruits, first fruits of ones coming out of a system and into the organic life-giving breath of God. Many more are coming. Like Job of old, you have come through. You people have come through. You have heard of Him but now you will see Him, and when you see Him, if you position yourself and pray for your friends, there will be something new born through you and many will see and know the council, and the shout of a King will be among them. The shout of the King will be among the authorized council as it is in heaven. Heaven and earth will testify the shout of a king and unearth victory and triumph for an age is passing away and behold a new era is dawning and a whirlwind like a giant tornado will turn, will turn, will turn everything upside right. The wind will begin to blow, and you will begin to know the shout of your King.”

September 1, 2013, Larry Pearson: “See a crack, an opening up. This whirlwind will bring transformational understanding. The faces of the sons of the Kingdom are about to shine and dispense a new wine. Get ready to ride the new wave. Position yourself. God is releasing Holy Ghost storm chasers that follow the Cloud and no longer the crowd. Sonship is about to show up and shake the earth. It is a storm of light, liberty and great joy. New alliances are forming. New connections need to happen. There is a new shift taking place. New breed of worshipping warriors that will bring upgrade to His Kingdom. Eating scrolls will become the method of transformation.”

The above are only a sampling of the words I have received about the whirlwinds. Finally, I would like to share a word received on August 15, 2013 from Persis Tiner, over a year before my current understanding of the whirlwind. I am awed by the magnitude of what the Lord is doing!

The jump is BIG


Old tent pegs must come OUT


Too big it is to be done alone

I’ll send you re-enforcements

Which I have home grown

With the breathe of My wind

Hand in hand with your friends

You’ll be propelled

Into regions unknown

This is a BIG one

For this season and time

That I want to reveal

To these friends of mine

As superman

You’ll fly into realms yet unknown

Swirling like a dervish

Like dust storms occur

You’ll come and you’ll go

Into regions both near and far

You’ll discover some secrets

Hidden in the winds

You’ll unravel some mysteries

Hidden within

You’ll deposit My kingdom

Along this new way

As I guide and propel you

For this new day


[2] Basconi, Kevin. Unlocking the Hidden Mysteries of the Power of the Age to Come

[3] Ezekiel 1:4

[4] Patterson, R. D. (1999). 1478 סוּף. (R. L. Harris, G. L. Archer Jr., & B. K. Waltke, Eds.) Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament. Chicago: Moody Press.

[5] Patterson, R. D. (1999). 1528 סָעַר. (R. L. Harris, G. L. Archer Jr., & B. K. Waltke, Eds.) Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament. Chicago: Moody Press.

[6] Other key scriptures on the whirlwind: Jeremiah 4:13, Jeremiah 23:18-20, Jeremiah 25:31-38, Jeremiah 30:23, Ezekiel 1:4-5, Hosea 8:7, Nahum 1:2-15, Psalm 97

The majority of these prayers are included in our book Generational Prayers – 2022 Edition, which is available in paperback and eBook formats. Visit this page for details.

Come Up Higher and the Exploring Heavenly Places book series provide biblical explanations of our prayers. Visit our bookstore for more information.

These prayers are not a quick fix. Instead, they are starting points as you work out your freedom in Christ. Be ready to adjust these prayers as you and those you pray with listen to the Holy Spirit.

Permission is given to print this prayer in its entirety provided that no changes are made. In addition, please reference Aslan’s Place and on all reproductions. This prayer may not be reproduced in publications without written consent from Aslan’s Place.