How to Give a Blessing

Blessing – Hebrew Barak – Dictionary of New Testament Theology – endow with beneficial power.  Hence a blessing originally involved a self-contained beneficial force which one could transmit to another and which stood in contrast to another and which stood in contrast to the destructive power of cursing.    Theological Workbook of the Old Testament – “to endue with power for success, prosperity, fecundity (fruitful in offspring).”


Components of a Blessing

Meaningful Touch (with permission) – Genesis 27:26, Genesis 48:9-10, 14, Numbers 27:15, Mark 1:40-42, Mark 10:13-16, Acts 13:1-3

Kiss (with appropriate family members), hug, laying on of hands (communicating warmth, personal acceptance, affirmation, physical health).

A Spoken Message – Genesis 49, James 3:3 words of love and acceptance DEATH AND LIFE ARE IN THE POWER OF THE TONGUE – PROVERBS 18:21

Attaching High Value to the One Being Blessed – Genesis 24:11 (bowing of knee-therefore showing great value) Genesis 27:27-29, Deuteronomy 33:1,2, Joshua 14:13, 2 Samuel 6:18

Recognizing that the person is valuable and has redeeming qualities.

Picturing a Special Future For the One Being Blessed – Genesis 27:28-29, Genesis 49:8, Jeremiah 29:11

An Active Commitment to Fulfill the Blessing – Genesis 49, James 2:15-16. Philippians 1:4

Commit the Person to the Lord – Genesis 48:15-16 -When you say “May the Lord bless you,” you are stating that from God alone comes blessing and that God is interested in them.

Commit your life to their best interest and see each person as unique – Genesis 49:28 (Discipline is part of this commitment – Genesis 49:3,4)


  1. Ask the Lord for direction!
  2. Face person and give an appropriate touch (after asking permission to touch).
  3. Speak the blessing of Deuteronomy 28 in your own words.
  4. Declare that the person has been grafted into the blessing of Abraham and say the blessing of Genesis 12.
  5. Declare that the person has been blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places – Ephesians
  6. Pronounce the blessing of Joshua – The Lord bless you and keep you.
  7. Declare high value of the person.
  8. Declare the special future for the person.
  9. Commit to be a part of seeing that the person will be successful.


What I Wanted To Hear From My Father

Describe attributes you admire about me.

Tell me you love me, have always loved me, and always will love me and that there is nothing that can ever change that.

Explain what it means to you having me as your son.

What do you foresee in my future?

Tell me that I am now a man and explain the evidence you see of that.

Tell me that I have the same genes that you do and that I’m a part of you.  Explain how I am similar to you.

Share a meaningful verse or two that represents my life and/or a promise for the future.

Tell me the kind of father and husband you believe I’m prepared to be.

What character traits in me are you proud of?

What good characteristics do I have that your dad had that have been passed down? A word about anger.

Give my body a blessing.  Bless my sexuality

If I cry tell me there is no shame in my tears, and that these are tears of masculine grief, masculine joy.

Pray for me as a man in relationship to my God, my future wife, family, and ministry.


Used by permission.  Dave Osborne, M.Div., MS, M.F.C.C. Intern #20932 of Henslin & Associates, Brea, CA.



The majority of these prayers are included in our book Generational Prayers – 2022 Edition, which is available in paperback and eBook formats. Visit this page for details.

Come Up Higher and the Exploring Heavenly Places book series provide biblical explanations of our prayers. Visit our bookstore for more information.

These prayers are not a quick fix. Instead, they are starting points as you work out your freedom in Christ. Be ready to adjust these prayers as you and those you pray with listen to the Holy Spirit.

Permission is given to print this prayer in its entirety provided that no changes are made. In addition, please reference Aslan’s Place and on all reproductions. This prayer may not be reproduced in publications without written consent from Aslan’s Place.