We provide this reference in case these terms come up in ministry. However, guidance regarding when and how to address these concepts in prayer must always come from God, through Jesus, as guided by the Holy Spirit.
Keep in mind that the perspectives shared on this page are not considered to be biblical.
This is a chemical science and speculative philosophy designed to transform base metals into gold. Believed they could change human nature into the divine). Tied to the search for the fountain of Youth and perpecutial motion. |
ALCHERINGA | Native Australian for “dream-time.” A realm of archetypal myth and astral experience. |
ALEUROMANCY | Possible answers to questions are placed in balls of dough and baked. One is chosen at random, and will presumably be the correct answer. Modern “fortune cookies” come from this practice |
ALPHITOMANCY | Divination by means of special cakes, which are presumably digestible by a person with a clear conscience but are distasteful to others. |
ALECTRYOMANCY | Possible answers to questions are placed in balls of dough and baked. One is chosen are random, and will presumably be the correct answer. Modern “fortune cookies” come from this practice. |
ALOMANCY | Divination by salt. |
ALTAR | The table used in rituals. It can be in the form of a table, tombstone, limestone, wood or a female depending on the coven. |
ALTER | An occultist who has multiple personality disorder. |
ALTERED STATES | States other than normal waking consciousness, such as daydreaming, sleep-dreaming, hypnotic trance; meditative, mystical, or drug-induced states. Also includes unconscious states. |
AMENON | Rules all spirits of the East. |
AMULET | An ornament or charm used to ward off spells, disease, etc. |
ANACHITHIDUS | A stone used for calling up demons. |
ANACHITIS | A stone used for conjuring water spirits. |
ANARCHY | The letter A drawn in a circle meaning all out attack (usually by punk Rockers and now sometimes being used by heavy metal followers). |
ANDROGYNY | Possessing the characteristics of both sexes. |
ANGAKCK | A shaman of the polar Eskimos. |
ANIMISM | Worship of the spirit that presumably animates all things. The belief that inanimate things (such as plants) possess a soul or spirit. New Age advocates see animism as a way of rededicating the earth. |
ANKH | Egyptian symbol resembling a cross with a loop at the top. An Egyptian deity is depicted carrying it.
ANOLIST | In ancient times, someone who conjured demons at an altar for divination. |
ANTHROPOPHAGY | The practice of eating human flesh, particularly by witches at Shabbat. |
APANTOMANCY | Divination based on seemingly chance meetings with animals or creatures; for instance, Mexico City was founded on the spot where Aztec priests saw an eagle on a cactus holding a live snake; black cat superstitions may come from this practice. |
APHRODITE | Ancient Pagan goddess depicted with dozens of breasts denoting fertility. |
APOTROPAION | A charm that protects someone against evil spirits or the Evil Eye. |
APOTROPAISM | Defensive or protective magic. |
APPORT | The sudden appearance of an object in or from other objects, usually in séances or other spiritistic practices. |
ARCANE | Secret, mysterious. |
ARCHONS | According to Gnostic thought, deities less powerful than
God, but hostile to Him or unaware of Him, who rule the world. |
ARITHMANCY | Divination by numbers. |
ARTEMIS | Ancient female goddess of Mesopotamia and Eurasia, which was revered as a fertility symbol. |
ASCENDED MASTER | A “highly evolved” individual no longer required to undergo lifetimes on the physical plane in order to achieve spiritual growth. Departed souls who have passed beyond the cycles of reincarnation and now divulge the hidden mysteries of truth by discourses channeled through select human messengers. |
ASCENDANT | The astrological sign rising on the horizon at the time a subject is Born. |
ASHERAH | A Canaanite mother-goddess of the sea. |
ASHTEROTH | Canaanite goddess of fertility and war. Judges 2:13, 10:6, 1 Samuel 7:3-4, 12:10, 13. |
ASMODEUS | In demonology, the evil spirit who was king of the demons and who filled men’s hearts with rage and lust. |
ASTAB (ETSEB) | A Hebrew word for an idol whose service is laborious, or is a cause of grief. |
ASTRAL | Of or pertaining to the shadowy universe in between the Dreamtime and ordinary consciousness. |
ASTRAL BODY | A spiritual body capable of projection from the physical body. |
ASTRAL FLIGHT | Soul travel occurring particularly during sleep or deep meditation. |
ASTRAL PROJECTION: | An experience where one seems to be in a place separate from one’s physical body while fully and normally conscious. It is believed a silver cord connects one to their body. |
ASTROLOGY | The ancient occult practice of forecasting events, human character, and fate by the observation of the positions of the sun, moon, planets and stars. |
ASTROGYROMANCY | Divination with dice bearing numbers or letters.
ATHAME | A dagger or sword, usually with a black handle and magical inscriptions on the blade. |
ATLANTIS | A mythical civilization buried in the sea after a volcanic explosion and earthquake, believed to be the center of the ancient occult people adept in psychic powers and possessing the secrets of higher consciousness sought by New Agers. |
AUGURY | Observing the flight of birds as a means of divination, or any interpretation of the future based on signs and omens. |
AUM (or OM) | A syllable taken from the Hindu Sanskrit language and believed to embody the essence of God; if reverently spoken in a mantra-the chant it supposedly permits the mediator to become one with God. |
AURA | An apparent field of colored radiation said to surround the human body and other animate objects, with the color or colors indicating different aspects of the person’s. |
AUSTROMANCY | Divination by studying the winds. |
AUTOMATIC WRITING | Writing done while in a trance – The pen is held in the hand but is directed by spiritual forces. |
AVERSE | Black or evil. |
AVATAR | A Person who “descends” into human form from above as a manifestation of divinity and who reveals divine truth to people. |
AXIOMANCY | Divination by observation of the quivers of an ax or hatchet. |
AYURVEDA | Five-thousand-year old Hindu life science, considered the mother of healing arts, using yoga, and diet. |
BAAL | The chief god of the Canaanites. |
BAAL-BERITH | “Lord of the Covenant” A Canaanite god. |
BAAL-PEOR | “Lord of the opening”; A Moabite god of uncleanness; also referred to as “Peor”. |
BAALZEBUB | A Hebrew name that means “Lord of the Flies”; in the Old Testament, the god of Ekron (see Beelzebub). |
BAALZEPHON | In demonology, captain of the guard and sentinels of hell. |
BACULUM | A witch’s wand, staff or broomstick. |
BAHIR | A source book of the Cabala; presents some of the basic teachings of Judaic mysticism. |
BALEFIRE | Ritual coven fire. |
BAPHOMET | At one time was worshipped by the Knights Templar and later by those who took part in the black mass. Today it is seen as a deity, a goat-headed god with angelic wings, the breasts of a female, and an illuminated torch between his horns. |
BARROW | A Celtic burial mound. |
BASILISK | A legendary dragon, serpent, or lizard whose breath or look was considered fatal. |
BEELZEBUB | Thought of as a demon of decay. Often thought to rank directly under Satan himself. |
BEL | The chief Babylonian deity. |
BELIAL | This demon is the most vicious of all demons. He is identified with death and evil. He is a demon of destruction. |
BLACK MAGIC | Used for blighting or binding. Popularly, magic done for “evil”. |
BLACK MASS | The most diabolical ritual that is performed by the Satanist. It is a communion with Satan, involving the desecration of all sacred objects used in the Christian communion. It also can include the sacrifice of an unbaptized infant. |
BLACK POPE | A reference to Anton LaVey, high priest of the Church of Satan. |
BLUE MAGIC | Used for emotional work, love, etc. Peace and protection. |
BODHISATTVA | A being who has supposedly earned the right to enter into Nirvana or into illumination, but instead voluntarily turns back from that state in order to help humanity in attaining the same goal. The Christ is said to be a Bodhisattva. |
An Egyptian handbook for guiding the souls of the dead through the underworld. |
BOOK OF ENOCH | An extra-Biblical work, apparently written in the 2nd century B.C., which forms the basis for much of the mythology, associated with witchcraft. |
BOOK OF MOSES | The standard magician’s code of the Middle Ages; it contains a complicated ritual for the induction of neophytes. |
BOOK OF SHADOWS | In witchcraft, the personal book of spells, rituals, and folklore a witch compiles after being initiated into the coven. |
BOTANOMANCY | Divination by burning tree branches and leaves. |
BUDDHA | “The Enlightened One.” An avatar or messenger. |
CABALA (KABBALAH): | Occult material that apparently originated in Chaldea and Mesopotamia and was incorporated into ancient Jewish works and traditions; also refers to practices of magic That are derived from those works. |
CADUCEUS | The serpent-entwined herald’s staff of Hermes/Mercury. As it was also the wizard’s staff of the Greek physician Aesculapius, it has become the symbol of the medical profession. |
CANNIBAL | A person who eats the flesh of human beings. |
CANTRIP | A spell cast by a witch. A written spell or charm that reads the same forwards or backwards. . |
CAPNOMANCY | Divination by observing smoke as it rises from a fire, such as from a burnt sacrifice or from incense. |
CARTOMANCY | Divination or fortune telling by means of cards. |
CEPHALOMANCY | Divination by using the head or skull of a donkey or goat. |
CERANUOSCOPY | Observation of thunder and lightning for signs or omens. |
CEROSCOPY | Melted wax is poured into cold water, and the resulting shapes are interpreted as a means of divination |
CEREBERUS | Three headed dog that guarded the entrance of hell.
CHANNELING | Process of receiving information from some level of reality other than the ordinary physical one and from beyond the “self” as it is generally understood. A “channeler”, or medium, usually goes into a trance to establish contact with a spirit, ascended master, higher consciousness, or some other entity, and then receives and repeats messages from “the other side” of the physical world. |
CHAKRAS | The seven energy points on the human body, according to New Agers and yogi(s). |
CHARM | In magic, an incantation or object believed to have special supernatural power. Compare with TALISMAN. |
CHI | According to mysticism, the life-giving force of the cosmos, which flow in all living things and enter the human- body through channels known as mediums. |
CHIROMANCY | Divination from studying the lines of the head. |
CHIROGNOMY | The study of the general shape or formation of the hand. |
CHRESMOMANCY | Determining the future by the utterances of one in frenzy. |
CHRISTIAN SCIENCE | A cult founded in 1879 by Mary Baker Eddy, who wrote
“Science and Health with key to the Scriptures” which teaches death is an illusion, God is Divine Mind, and disease can be removed by right thinking. |
CLAIRVOYANCE | The supposed power to see objects or events that cannot be perceived by the senses. |
CLEROMANCY | Casting lots using pebbles or other objects, often of different colors. |
CONJURATION | The act or art of conjuring. A magic spell or incantation. A magic trick or magical effect. |
CRYONICS | The practice of freezing the body upon death for future thawing and rejuvenation once a cure is found for whatever cased its demise. |
CRYSTALS | New Age advocates believe that crystals contain incredible healing and energizing powers. |
CRYSTALLOMANCY | Gazing into a crystal ball or other object. |
CURSE | Invocation of an oath associated with black magic or sorcery intended to harm or destroy opponents or property; curses often require the invocation of evil spirits. |
CYCLOMANCY | Divination from a turning wheel. |
DAEMON | From the Greek, Diamon: A spirit, and evil spirit or demon. Also used as a term for beings at an intermediate level between God and people. |
DAGON | The national God of the Philistines. |
DAIMONIZOMAI | A Greek word that means “demonized”, although usually translated “demon-possessed”. “Daimonizomai” can usually refer to a wide range of demonic influence. |
DAPHNOMANCY | Listening to branches, particularly laurel branches, burning in a fire; the louder the crackle, the better the omen. |
DÉJÀ VU | The illusion of having already experienced something actually being experienced for the first time. An impression of having seen or experienced something before. May be an indication of some generational issue. |
DEMONCRACY | Worship of an evil nature. |
DEMONOLOGY | The study of demons. |
DENDROMANCY | Divination utilizing oak or mistletoe. |
DENTROLATRY | Worship Of trees. |
DHARMA | Hinduism. Buddhism. The principle or law that orders the universe. Individual conduct in conformity with this principle. The essential function or nature of a thing. Hinduism. Individual obligation with respect to caste, social custom, civil law, and sacred law. 3. Buddhism. The body of teachings expounded by the Buddha. Knowledge of or duty to undertake conduct set forth by the Buddha as a way to enlightenment. One of the basic, minute elements from which all things are made. |
DIANETICS | Ron Hubbards’s teaching on mental health. |
DIVINATION | The art or act of foretelling future events or revealing occult knowledge by means of augury or an alleged supernatural agency. |
DIVINER’S STAFF | Refers to a staff used for divination. |
DOWSING | A person skilled in finding sources of water by means of a divining rod. |
DRUIDS | Celtic Priests in pre-Christian Britain and Gaul. Skilled in astronomy and medicine, they worshiped the sun, believed in the immortality of the soul, and in reincarnation. |
DUALISM | The doctrine that for every principle there is an Opposing, separate, and ultimately irreconcilable counter-principle. |
EASTERN RELIGIONS | Religions of Asia, including Hinduism, Taoism, Shintoism, Buddhism, etc. |
ECTOPLASM | A white filmy substance pouring from a medium’s bodily openings, supposedly denoting the presence of a disembodied spirit. |
EIDOLEION | A worshiper of idols. |
EIDOLOLATREIA | Something that is sacrificed to an idol. |
EIDOLON | An idol. |
ENCHANTER | Sorcerer, magician, one who uses the human voice or music to bring another person into psychic control. |
ENCHANTMENT | The act of influencing by charms and incantations the practice of magical arts. |
ESALEN INSTITUTE | A “growth” center that offers a wide variety of workshops for mind, body and spirit. It is located in Big Sur, California. |
ESBAT | Coven meetings held regularly at least once a month at the full moon. It is at these meetings “work” is performed such as healing and “magi.” |
ESOTERIC | Term applied to teachings that are secret and only for initiates of the group; mysterious, occult, “hidden” a word used to describe knowledge that is possessed or understood only by a few. |
FETISH | An inanimate object presumably inhabited by a spirit. |
FORTUNE TELLING | Foretelling the future in other peoples’ lives, usually with the aid of the spirit world, or with aid of some “Spirit” aide. (I.e. tea leaves, etc.) |
GARDNER, GERALD | (1884-1964) Founder of modem witchcraft. |
GARDNERIAN WITCHCRAFT | Traditional witchcraft system founded by Gerald Gardner in England. |
GELOSCOPY | Divination from the tone of someone’s laughter. |
GNOME | One of a fabled race of dwarflike creatures who live underground and guard treasures. |
GNOSTICISM | Refers to the secret doctrines and practices of mysticism whereby a person may come to enlightenment or realization that he or she is of the same essence as God or the Absolute. The Greek work Gnosis means knowledge, and at the heart of Gnostic thought is the idea that revelation of the hidden gnosis frees one from the fragmentary and illusory material world and teaches him or her about the origins of the spiritual world, to which the Gnostic belongs by nature. |
GOETIA | Tradition of black magic, including incantations, ceremonies and techniques of sorcery. |
GRAPHOLOGY | A psychic analysis of someone’s handwriting. |
GREAT INVOCATION | A New Age prayer that has been translated into over 70 languages; to invoke the presence of the cosmic Christ, leading to the oneness of all mankind. |
GREAT RITE | Ritual sex within the magic circle. |
GREEN MAGIC | Used for working with vegetation, as in gardening. Fertility and prosperity. |
GRIMOURES | A medieval collection of magical spells, rituals, incantations. |
GURU | Spiritual teacher who instructs disciples in the “way” of enlightenment. |
GYROMANCY | Use of a person spinning in a circle and then failing to the ground to determine the future. |
HARMONIC CONVERGENCE | The assembly of New Age mediators gathered at the same astrological time in different locations to usher in peace on earth and one-world government. |
HECATE | Goddess of lower regions and patroness of witchcraft. |
HERBOLOGY | Use of plants as natural healing substances to promote health and cure minor illnesses. |
HEX | An evil spell; a curse. |
HEXAGRAM | A six-point talismanic star, also known as the Star of David. The Hexagram is believed among occultists to protect and control demons. |
HIPPOMANCY | Divination from the neighing and stamping of horses. |
HOODOO | A combination of black magic and Voodoo |
HOROSCOPE | A chart showing a person’s destiny as determined by astrology. |
HOUSES | The 12 sections of the Zodiac, which together symbolize every aspect of life. This chart is called a horoscope. |
INCENSE | Any of various substances, such as hums, resins or herbs, producing a pleasant odor when burned and used in religious ceremonies for purifications and offerings. |
INCUBI (INCUBUS) | A demon in male form sent for sexual purposes. |
INITIATE | One who has successfully passed through a ritual of initiation. |
INTERFERON | Any of a group of glycoprotein’s produced by cells in response to infection by a virus that acts to prevent viral replication and have the ability to induce resistance to viral antigens. |
KABALA (CABALA) | System of Jewish occult mysticism developed by certain rabbis, especially during the Middle Ages, relying heavily on mathematical interpretation of Scripture. |
KAHUNA | A native Hawaiian shaman. |
KALI | This word means black. Kali is a Hindu goddess who would accept only blood sacrifices. |
KARMA | The law of cause and effect, which says that for every action (in this life) there is a reaction (in the next life). |
KRISHNA | 8th incarnation and avatar of Vishnu, the Preserver god. |
LEVITATION | The act of raising an object or a person from the ground and causing them to float in the air through supernatural power. |
LOA | Term used in Voodoo for spirit entities. The Loa are ‘fed’ by tending their altars, and worshiped by being allowed to possess the bodies of devotees in trance, whereupon they take on specific attributes. |
LORD MAITREYA | The New Age Christ, who is said to be the fulfillment of all the great religious leaders of the world. Maitreya was originally a savior in Buddhist thought. |
LYCANTHROPY | The assumption of an animal form by an occultist. (Note: i.e. werewolf). |
MACUMBA | A religion similar to Voodoo, Macumba was started by African slaves in an attempt to continue their ancestral tribal religion after being captured by the Portuguese. |
MAGIC, BLACK | Magic performed with evil intent. The “Black Magician” or sorcerer calls upon the supernatural powers of darkness – devils, demons and veil spirits. |
MAGIC, CIRCLE | Circle inscribed on the floor of a temple for magical ceremonial purposes. Believed to hold magical powers within and protect those involved in the ceremony from evil. |
MAGICAL HYPNOSIS | The occult form of hypnosis, which can produce extremely harmful results and must be distinguished from clinical or therapeutic hypnosis used by legitimate medicine. |
MAGICK | Magic that employs ritual symbols and ceremony, including ceremonial costumes, dramatic invocations to the gods, potent incense and mystic statements. Denotes black magic usually. |
MAGISTER | Male leader of a coven. |
MAGUS | A male witch. |
MAITREYA | The name has its roots in a legendary Buddha figure. Some New Age advocates believe that the “second coming of Christ” occurred in 1977 in the person of Maitreya. |
MANTRA | A “holy” word, phrase, or verse in Hindu or Buddhist meditation techniques. A mantra is usually provided to an initiate by a guru who is supposed to hold specific insights regarding the needs of his pupils. The vibrations of the mantra are said to lead the mediator into union with the divine source within. |
MEDIUM | A psychic person whose body is used as a vehicle for communicating with spirits. |
MEDIUMS | In spiritualism, one who acts as an intermediary between the world of spirits and discarnate entities and the everyday world or normal reality? |
MENTAL TELEPATHY | The use of mental images to receive and transmit messages. |
MERIDIAN | In acupuncture, a presumed pathway in the body similar to the circulatory system, through which the universal life-energy flows. |
MERODACH | Regarded for a time as the supreme deity of the Babylonians; sometimes associated with Bel (Bel-Marduk). (Marduk is in the D & D Manuals). |
METAGNOMY | Divination by viewing events while in a hypnotic state. |
METAPHYSICS | System of principles relating to the transcendent or supernatural. The science relating to the transcendent. |
MYSTICISM | Immediate consciousness of the transcendent or ultimate reality or God. The experience of such communion as described by mystics. A belief in the existence of realities beyond perceptual or intellectual apprehension that is central to being and directly accessible by subjective experience. |
MOJO | Magical power from the lower charkas, especially equated with Love and Power in Voodoo spells. |
MOKSHA | The final state of “deliverance” from the burdensome cycle of Reincarnation. |
MOLYBDOMANCY | Divination by observing the hissing of molten lead. |
MUMMIFICATION | The ancient Egyptian means of preserving the physical body after death to facilitate its journey into the next life. |
MYOMANCY | Drawing prophetic conclusions from rats and mice, particularly their cries or the destruction they cause. |
NECRONOMICON | Communication with the supposed spirits of the dead, usually with the use of bones or some part of a corpse. |
NECROMACY | The practice of supposedly communicating with the spirits of the dead in order to predict the future. Black magic, sorcery. |
NECROPHILIA | Sexual intercourse with the dead. |
NEOPAGAN | Follower of some Western religious tradition other than Judaism or Christianity. Neo-pagan groups have a close affinity for nature, occult and initiatory traditions, and may be patrons of ancient Greek or Egyptian religions, Druidism, witchcraft, ceremonial magic or even Satanism. |
NEOPHYTE | One who is about to go through the initiation into a coven. |
NIRVANA | Literally, a “blowing out” or a “cooling” of the fires of existence; the main word used in Buddhism for final release from the cycle of birth and death into bliss. |
NOSTRODAMUS | Sixteenth-century occult mystic who wrote ten volumes of prophecy called “Centuries,” supposedly predicting the world’s future in minute detail; his own description of “receiving” these so-called prophecies is clearly divination; lived 1503-1555. |
NUMEROLOGY | Use of numbers associated with a person’s name and birth date as a means of divination. |
OCCULT | Hidden, secret or mysterious. |
OCCULTISM | Belief in secret supernatural forces and beings. |
OCULOMANCY | Divination by observing a person’s eyes. |
ODIN | Norse mythology; supreme deity and creator of the cosmos and man. |
OLINOMANCY | Looking for omens from wines. |
OMEN | A prophetic sign. |
ONEIROMANCY | Interpretation of dreams. |
ONOMANCY | Finds meaning and omens in the names of persons and things; onomancy is seldom used today, except for interpreting a person’s proper name. |
ONYOMANCY | Interpretation of various characteristics from a person’s fingernails as one aspect of palmistry. |
OVOMANCY | A type of divination from eggs. |
OWL | In many cultures is the bird associated with death and evil powers. |
PACT | A vow of secrecy given by a witch who joins a coven. |
PAGANISM | A practicing pagan. |
PALMISTRY | The interpretation of lines and formations of the hand. |
PALO MAYOMBE | A Cuban sect of Santeria followed by many Latin American drug gangs. |
PAN | In ancient Greek mythology, the son of Hermes and Dryope. Pan was the god of flocks and shepherds, but also had a more far-reaching role as lord of nature and all forms of wildlife. |
PANTHEISM | Belief that God and the world are ultimately identical; “All is God”. |
PANTHEON | A temple dedicated to all the gods. |
PARAPSYCHOLOGY | The study of occult phenomena such as telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition and psycho kinesis. |
PEGAMANCY | Divination by observing spring water or bubbling fountains. |
PENDULUM | Heavy object on a string, used for dawning or fortune telling. |
PENTAGRAM | A pentacle surrounded by a circle. It represents the four elements. When the star is inverted with two points up, it stands for black arts. When turned with a single point up, it symbolizes white magic. Pentagrams are also worn for “protection” and identification among the craft. |
PERCIPIENT | Person who receives telepathic messages. |
PESSOMANCY | Divination by pebbles. |
PHRENOLOGY | Divination from interpreting head formations or bumps on the head. |
A means of divination that comes from Ancient Greece; a person slaps rose petals against his hand, and the success of a venture is judged by the loudness of the sound. |
POLTERGEIST | “Rattling Ghost”, a ghost that tends to throw or break objects or generally cause mischief, presence of a person who has strong mediumistic tendencies. |
POLYTHEISM | The belief that there are many gods. |
PRECOGNITION | The psychic ability to see the future. |
PSI | The twenty-third letter of the Greek alphabet; a general New Age term for ESP, psycho kinesis, telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, precognition, and other paranormal phenomena that are non- physical in nature. |
PSYCHIC | Pertaining to phenomena, which are supernatural, or perhaps actually demonic; or a person who has this power. |
PSYCHIC ENERGY | Extrasensory energy that enables people to do miracles. |
PSYCHIC HEALER | A Person who cures mental or physical illness from the cosmic energy emanating through the healer’s hands. |
PSYCHIC SURGERY | Surgery by a medium having no ordinary medical knowledge, while in a trance. |
PURPLE MAGIC | Used for wealth and good fortune. Prosperity, domination and command. |
PYRAMID POWER | The belief that pyramid shapes are antennae that pick up frequencies of universal energy that bring healing, sound sleep, nutrition, and superior sexual experience. |
PYROLATRY | Worship of fire |
PYROMANCY | Divination by fire. |
RAMTHA | The entity (we would say demon!) channeled through J.Z. Knight. |
RED MAGIC | Used for physical work, as in healing of people and animals. |
REFLEXOLOGY | A belief that the sole of the foot contains reflex points that correspond to all internal organs and bodily functions, and that manipulation of these points relieves pain and disease. |
REIKI | An occult form of healing by laying hands on a person to send the forces of recuperation to another person at a distant location. |
REINCARNATION | The belief that the soul after death passes on to another body. |
RITUAL | A magical ceremony used in both white and black magic. |
RITUAL ABUSE | Victimizing someone (usually sexually) in a satanic ritual. |
RUNES | From the German “raunen” mainly a secret or mystery; occult symbols that are known in many areas of Northern Europe (Note: Runes are used for magic. |
SABBAT | One of the. eight annual festivals of the seasonal rounds celebrated by nearly all Pagans, including Witches. The solstices and equinoxes are known as QUARTERS. |
SACRIFICE | An offering made to a deity, often upon an altar. Sacrifices are offered ritually to placate a god and to offer blood, which is symbolic of the life force and invariably associated with fertility. Some magicians believe that the ritual slaughter of a sacrificial animal releases life energy, which can be tapped magically and used to attune the magician to the god invoked in ritual. |
SCIENTOLOGY | Cult begun by L. Ron Hubbard (see HUBBARD). |
SEAL OF SOLOMON | Two interlocking triangles that form a hexagram. This seal is said to offer the greatest protection for the practioner. |
SÉANCE | A ritual by which a medium calls upon the supposed spirits of the dead. |
SET | Egyptian name for Satan, in 1975 Michael Aquino established the temple of set church religion in the United States. |
SILVA MIND CONTOL | Mind expansion techniques developed by Jose Silva to control one’s future and fortune through self-hypnosis and the alteration of reality by mental supposition. |
SPELL | An incantation designed to bring about magic. |
TAE KWON DO | A Korean training system of martial arts under ethical background…”The final goal of tae kwon do is to achieve balance with nature and yourself, balance achieved by controlling both evil and good forces [yin vs. yang].” |
TALISMAN | A power object, usually an amulet or trinket. |
TAOISM | A Chinese religious philosophy founded in the sixth century B.C. by Lao-Tse, who taught that the “tao” of “way of virtues an eternal, all pervasive harmonizing force in the universe. |
TAROT | A set of 78 cards with illustrations into which are incorporated a vast amount of arcane symbolism. Considered by many to contain the sum total of all occult knowledge. The ancestor of our modem playing card, the Tarot is today used primarily for divination. |
TEACUP READINGS | Interpreting the future by the arrangement of tea leaves in the bottom of a cup . |
TELEKINESIS | Movement of objects by occult power. |
TELEPATHY | Mind-to-mind communication. |
TEMPLE OF SET | A satanic organization founded by Dr. Michael Aquino. (“Set” is the Egyptian god of death). |
THEOSOPHY | Literally, “Wisdom of God”; a religion incorporating some Christian concepts along with reincarnation, karma, and spiritual practices. |
THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY | A highly developed system of occultism based on
mystery religions and Hindu philosophy, founded on the writings of Helena Petrovna Lavatsky, a nineteenth-century Russian mystic; forerunner of much New Age thought. |
THIRD EYE | An occult concept assuming that a spiritually intuitive center of consciousness exists in the center of the forehead, the so-called seventh charka of enlightenment in yoga; hence the red dot in the forehead of Hindu women. |
TIBETAN BOOK OF THE DEAD | Scriptures of Tibetan Buddhism based on esoteric
experiences concerning the nature of the soul and the stages to be encountered during death. |
TOTEM | A species of plant or animal regarded as having an ancestral or affinitive relationship to a specific tribe, family, or individual. |
TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION ™ | The Novice receives a Mantra – a special sound that he must keep secret. During meditation (which lasts for twenty minutes, twice each day), one must simply repeat the mantra mentally while ignoring all other thoughts. Regular meditation is supposed to let the mind descend to the deepest level of consciousness. |
TRANCE | An altered state of consciousness, induced or spontaneous, that gives access to many ordinarily inhibited capacities of the mind-body system. Trance states are generally self-induced. |
UFO | Unidentified flying object; flying saucer. Frequently associated with the spirit world. |
VOODOO | An ancient religion combining Catholicism and Sorcery. Those involved are extremely superstitious. Members use spells, sorcery, potions, and fetishes to control the actions of others or the outcome of events. |
WICCA | An Old English word from which we get the word “witch.” This is the pagan end of the witchcraft spectrum. |
WITCH | One who practices magic. Can Produce magic alone or can be a member of a coven. |
WITCHCRAFT | The practice of sorcery or magic. The practice of the old religion which focuses on the goddess in her many forms: Hectate, Aphrodite, Astarte, Diana. Women play important roles in witchcraft. |
YIN YANG | Chinese names referring (inactive) negative to the active force; Yang to male, Yin to the female force. |