List of Phobias

We provide this list of phobias as a reference in case these concepts come up during prayer.


Acrophobia               fear of heights

Aerophobia               fear of flying

Agoraphobia             fear of open spaces

Agyiophobia             fear of streets

Aichmophobia          fear of pointed objects

Ailurophobia             fear of cats

Akousticophobia      fear of sound

Alcoholophobia        fear of alcoholism

Aicklorophobia         fear of chickens

Algophobia               fear of pain

Amathophobia          fear of dust

Amychophobia         fear of being scratched

Androphobia             fear of men

Anemophobia           fear of wind

Anthophobia             fear of flowers

Anthrophobia            fear of people .

Antiophobia              fear of flooding

Apeirophobia            fear of infinity

Apiphobia                  fear of bees

Arachnophobia        fear of spiders

Asthenophobia         fear of weakness

Astraphobia              fear of lightning

Ataxiophobia            fear of disorder

Atelophobia              fear of imperfection

Atephobia                 fear of ruin

Auroaphobia             fear of aurorae lights

Automysophobia      fear of being dirty

Autophobia               fear of being alone

Bacilliphobia             fear of microbes

Bacteriophobia         fear of bacteria

Ballistophobia          fear of missiles

Barophobia               fear of gravity

Basiphobia                fear of walking

Bathophobi               fear of depth

Batrachophobia       fear of reptiles

Belonophobia           fear of sharp objects

Bibliophobia              fear of books

Brontophobia            fear of thunder

Cancerophobia        fear of cancer

Cardiophobia            fear of heart disease

Carnophobia            fear of meat

Cherophobia            fear of gaiety

Chionophobia           fear of snow

Cholerophobia         fear of cholera

Chromatophobia      fear of colours

Chrometophobia      fear of money

Chronophobia          fear of duration

Claustrophobia        fear of enclosed spaces

Cleptophobia            fear of stealing

Climacophobia         fear of climbing

Clinophobia              fear of going to bed

Cnidophobia             fear of stings

Coitophobia              fear of sexual intercourse

Coprophobia             fear of feces

Cremnophobia         fear of precipices

Cryophobia               fear of ice

Crystallophobia        fear of glass

Cynophobia              fear of dogs

Demonophobia        fear of demons

Dendrophobia          fear of trees

Dermatosiophobia   fear of skin diseases

Dikephobia               fear of justice

Dipsophobia             fear of drinking

Domotophobia          fear of home

Doraphobia               fear of fur

Dysmorphophobia   fear of deformity

Ecclesiaphobia        fear of churches

Ecophobia                 fear of home surroundings

Eisoptrophobia         fear of mirrors

Electrophobia           fear of electricity

Eleutherophobia      fear of freedom

Emetophobia            fear of vomiting

Entomophobia          fear of insects

Eosophobia              fear of dawn

Eremophobia            fear of solitude

Ereuthophobia         fear of blushing

Frigophobia              fear of the cold

Gamophobia             fear of marriage

Gephyrophobia        fear of crossing bridges

Graphophobia          fear of writing

Gymnophobia           fear of nakedness

Gynophobia              fear of women

Hadephobia              fear of Hell

Halophobia               fear of speaking

Hamartophobia        fear of sin

Haphephobia            fear of being touched

Harpaxophobia        fear of robbers

Hedonophobia         fear of pleasure

Heliophobia              fear of the sun

Heiminthophobia     fear of worms

Hematophobia          fear of blood

Hierophobia              fear of sacred things

Hippophobia             fear of horses

Hodophobia              fear of travel

Homichlophobia       fear of fog

Homilophobia           fear of sermons

Hydrophobia             fear of water

Hygrophobia             fear of dampness

Hypengyophobia     fear of responsibility

Hypnophobia            fear of sleep

Hylephobia               fear of forests

Ichthyophobia          fear of fish

Ideophobia                fear of ideas

lophobia                    fear of rust

Kakorraphiaphobia  fear of failure

Katagelophobia        fear of ridicule

Kenophobia              fear of empty rooms

Kinesophobia           fear of motion

Laliophobia               fear of stuttering

Leprophobia             fear of leprosy

Limnophobia            fear of lakes

Linonophobia           fear of string

Logophobia               fear of words

Lyssophobia             fear of rabies

Maieusiophobia       fear of pregnancy

Maniaphobia            fear of insanity

Mastigophobia          fear of flogging

Mechanophobia       fear of machinery

Merinthophobia        fear of being bound

Metallophobia           fear of metal objects

Meteorophobia         fear of meteors

Mictophobia              fear of germs

Musophobia              fear of mice

MysoPhobia              fear of infection

Mythophobia             fear of making false statements

Necrophobia             fear of corpses

Neophobia                fear of change

Nephophobia            fear of clouds

Nomatophobia          fear of names

Nosemaphobia         fear of illness

Nosophobia              fear of disease

Nostophobia             fear of returning to home

Numerophobia         fear of numbers

Nyctophobia             fear of darkness

Ochlophobia             fear of crowds

Ochophobia              fear of vehicles

Odontophobia          fear of teeth

Odynephobia            fear of pain

Ombrophobia            fear of rain

Ommatophobia         fear of eyes

Oneirophobia           fear of dreams

Ophidiophobia          fear of snakes

Ornithophobia          fear of birds

Osmophobia             fear of odors

Ouranophobia          fear of Heaven

Panophobia              fear of everything

Paralipophobia         fear of neglect of duty

Parasitophobia         fear of parasites

Parthenophobia       fear of young girls

Patroiophobia           fear of heredity

Peccatophobia         fear of sinning

Pediculophobia        fear of lice

Pediophobia             fear of children

Peniaphobia             fear of poverty

Phagophobia            fear of swallowing

Pharmacophobia     fear of drugs

Phasmophobia         fear of ghosts

Phengophobia         fear of daylight

Phobophobia            fear of being afraid

Phonophobia            fear of speaking aloud

Photaugiaphobia     fear of glare

Pholophobia             fear of light

Pnigerophobia          fear of smothering

Pnigophobia             fear of choking

Pogonophobia         fear of beards

Poinephobia             fear of punishment

Ponophobia              fear of fatigue

Potamophobia          fear of rivers

Potophobia               fear of drink

Polyphobia                fear of many things

Pteronophobia         fear of feathers

Pyrexiophobia          fear of fever

Pyrophobia               fear of fire

Rectophobia             fear of rectal disease

Rhabdophobia         fear of being beaten

Rhypophobia            fear of dirt

Satanophobia           fear of Satan

Scabiophobia           fear of itching

Scholionophobia      fear of school

Scopophobia            fear of being stared at

Selaphobia               fear of flashes

Siderodroniophobia fear of railways

Siderophobia            fear of stars

Sitophobia                 fear of food

Spheksophobia        fear of wasps

Stasibasiphobia       fear of standing and walking

Stasiphobia               fear of standing upright

Tachophobia            fear of speed

Taphophobia            fear of being buried alive

Teratophobia            fear of monstrosities

Thusophobia            fear of sitting idle

Thalassophobia       fear of the sea

Thanatophobia         fear of death

Theophobia              fear of God

Therinophobia          fear of heat

Tacophobia               fear of childbirth

Topophobia               fear of places

Toxicophobia            fear of poison

Traumatophobia       fear of injury

Trichophobia            fear of hair

Triskaidekaphobia   fear of thirteen

Trypanophobia         fear of inoculation

Tuberculophobia      fear of tuberculosis

Venereophobia        fear of venereal disease

Xenophobia              fear of strangers

Zelophobia                fear of jealousy

Zenophobia              fear of foreigners

Zoophobia                fear of animals







The majority of these prayers are included in our book Generational Prayers – 2022 Edition, which is available in paperback and eBook formats. Visit this page for details.

Come Up Higher and the Exploring Heavenly Places book series provide biblical explanations of our prayers. Visit our bookstore for more information.

These prayers are not a quick fix. Instead, they are starting points as you work out your freedom in Christ. Be ready to adjust these prayers as you and those you pray with listen to the Holy Spirit.

Permission is given to print this prayer in its entirety provided that no changes are made. In addition, please reference Aslan’s Place and on all reproductions. This prayer may not be reproduced in publications without written consent from Aslan’s Place.