Father, for myself and my generational line, I renounce and repent for all sins, iniquities, and transgressions that have blocked the gift of discerning of spirits from being activated and used in a way that is godly and anointed for the Glory of God. I renounce and repent for all wrong uses for the gift of discernment for selfish manipulative personal gain. I also renounce and repent for using the gift of discernment with help from the power of darkness.
Father God, please forgive me even as I ask for Your forgiveness. I receive Your forgiveness and I choose to forgive myself for all misuse and abuse of the gift of discernment
Father God, I pray that You will release the gift of discernment so that I can grow up and be on the cutting edge and listen sharply and clearly to the voice of Your Spirit.
Lord, right now I repent and renounce all spirits assigned against the gift of discernment. Deaf and dumb spirits, passivity, unbelief, accusation, intimidation, religious spirits, torment, greed, doubts, blockages, condemnation, destruction, fears, unforgiveness, pride, shame, control, deception, uncertainty, dullness, distractions, procrastination, laziness, victimization, legalism, timidity/intimidation, mockery, oppression, repression, suppression, rebellion, inferiority, inadequacy, limitation, failure, double binding, double mindedness, confusion, rejection, abuse, loss, stupidity, occult lust, insecurity, seduction, jealousy, envy, malice, anger, murder, pain, resistance, rebellion, disobedience, poverty, unworthiness, sabotage, criticalness, wanting, helplessness, spirit of death, violence, mistrust, gossip, lying, slander, infirmity, manipulation, dissention, and spiritual autism.
Give me ears to hear You and words from You to speak; help me be proactive, believing, trusting, encouraging, courageous, bold, spirit-filled, peace-filled, quiet, generous, content, open and flowing in Your Spirit, praiseworthy, edifying, forgiving, humble, pure, innocent, not controlling, honest, without guile, true, sure of the truth, alert, clear, bright, resonant, quickened, focused, quick to obey, hard-working, diligent, overcoming, grace-giving, merciful, real, authentic, free, obedient, adequate, unlimited in Your resources, successful, single-hearted and single-minded for You, filled with understanding, rightly ordered and aligned, coherent, connected, accepted, loved, cared for, provided for, wise, accurate, self-controlled, secure, loving, joyful, vulnerable, rich, worthy, trustworthy, helpful, life-filled, strong, stable, sound, direct, awake and alert.
Lord Jesus, I renounce and repent for all activities that have opened up my third eye to deceptive vision and opened all the different chakras. Lord, please blind all powers of darkness that have utilized my third eye in all its various dimensions and in all my different parts that are trapped, lost, and enslaved in the dimensions.
Lord please cut off all connections that watchers have with my third eye to gain information and monitor my movements. Lord please remove all evil powers associated with my third eye.
And Lord, please assign angels to remove the third eye from all parts of my being, in all its various dimensions, in the past, in the present, and in the future.
Lord please fill me with Your presence and replace evil with good. I remove all occult influences and pressures over my life to try to attempt to plant and to activate the third eye from now and forever.
Lord Jesus I receive the eyes of Your Spirit, and ask that I will only see what You want me to see. I ask that all the strategies of the enemy will be exposed by divine revelations of Your will.
Lord please open my eyes to see Your power and glory and all Your glories in heaven.
Father God, thank You for showing me how to receive Your resources in all situations, with all kinds of people. Father, thank You for letting me know Your divine timing, Your opportunities, and Your open doors to supply all that is necessary in my life—in all spiritual, physical, and emotional abundance, so that all I do and all I say, will be a sweet smelling aroma and sacrifice that is acceptable and pleasing to You.
Father God, I thank You. You help me to begin to understand the incredible greatness of Your power to all who believe in You, the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated Him, at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms.
God thank You for giving us a way to access Your incredible wealth of grace and kindness even as we walk in unity.
Father God, thank You for showing by discernment to walk in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Father God, thank You that there are no limitations to all You have called me to do.
Father God, thank You for showing me the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, so that I will be able to flee from temptation and live in spiritual truth and freedom.
Father God, I want to know what You want me to do. I am asking You now for Your wisdom. I thank You that You will gladly give me what I ask for and will never resent my asking.
Father God, thank You for teaching me how to submit to my leaders and to fellow believers, biblically and spiritually. Give me the attitude and faith that produces breakthrough, healing miracles, growth, and fruitfulness so that I will reach the full potential of my birthright. Teach me how to live in the harmony of the unity of faith that will glorify You.
Father God, thank You for giving me the ability to discern all the spiritual gifts and callings that You have given to me. Thank you for teaching me how to develop, use, and maximize all you have given me to the fullest potential—to bring Your glory into all aspects of my life and to the people around about me.
Father God, please give me the discernment to receive the right spiritual impartation from the specific people that You have sent into my life. Give me the wisdom to flee, escape, avoid, and refuse any wrong impartation from the servants of Satan. Please teach me to recognize all false servants from afar, even at the sound of their voices. Please protect my ears, my eyes, and my five spiritual senses from the assault of the enemy camp. Lord, please surround me with the songs of deliverance, with the presence of Your Holy Spirit, so that even when darkness comes, it shall not come near me.
Father God, You have given me the ability to hear the voice of Your Spirit. I will not follow the voice of the stranger, but I will follow You all the rest of my life. Thank You that I have the ability to hear Your voice in all my decision making—for my family, for my work, my ministry, investments, business, studies, relationships, marriage, church. May all I that I do and say pertain to life, be filled with life, release life, and be life-giving. Lord, thank You that I can hear Your voice clearly and sharply like the prophets of old.
Father God, thank You for showing me the crisis of the land rather than letting me become a victim to it. I will become a protector and encourager of those in need. Help me flee from all works of darkness upon the land and economy. Secure my properties and all my possessions by Your Spirit.
Father God, will You teach me how to live in peace and harmony with all people to bring about Your will. Teach me how to walk with tenderness, mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Teach me how to forgive every fault and how to walk in love and perfect harmony.
Father God, thank You for teaching me how to give and receive counsel perfectly, with all the wisdom of heaven, so that I can be whole in spirit, soul, and body.
Father God, thank You for teaching me how to receive all Your provisions so that I will have everything that I will ever need. Teach me how to share all that I have received. Father God, thank You for teaching me how to increase the resources that You have provided to produce a great harvest of generosity in my life.
Father God, thank You for teaching me how to share Your work in my life effectively with the people I love in ways that demonstrate Your mercy, kindness, and goodness. Thank You for teaching me how to walk in Your peace at all times.