Prayer to Release One from the Ungodly Depth

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Father, I repent and renounce for myself and my family line for all sins that have brought on the consequence of being entrapped in the ungodly depth, Sheol, the pit, the snare, and the trap and have kept me bound and unable to fulfill my God given purpose.

Father, have mercy on me, for I have endured much contempt and ridicule. Lord, break off the contempt and ridicule that has been put on me by the proud. Wash me from the arrogance and arrogant ways that brought the contempt upon me.

Lord, forgive me for not forgiving those who have come against me and entrapped me. I choose now to forgive those who have spoken contempt against me, and I release them to you.

Lord, on behalf of myself and my ancestors I repent for making vows, covenants, and promises to You and others which I broke. Lord, even as I have repented and You have forgiven me, in Your mercy, please cancel these promises, vows and covenants. Lord, please break off any evil or ungodly consequences of these broken vows, promises and covenants.

Lord, I choose to cancel and forgive all broken vows, promises and covenants made by others to me and members of my generational line. I trust in Your words that You will repay. I now choose to forgive them freely and release them.

I repent on behalf of myself and my generational line, for all those who forgot, or turned away from You God, and for all those who even though they saw Your awesome works, they were ungrateful and unthankful, and complained instead of thanking You and being grateful for all You have done. Lord, please break off these consequences from me and my generational line.

I repent and renounce for all those in my generational line who tried to ascend above the stars or above God.

I repent for all generational fear, especially the fear of man, and I repent for all those who ran from fear, thus causing them to fall into the pit.

I repent for all those in my generational line who caused conflict, strife, or disunity, especially in the body of Christ.

I repent for myself and those in my generational line for pride, arrogance, deceit, anger and fury. I repent for all generational adultery, harlotry, immorality, sexual perversion, ungodly bloodshed, and for all murdering of the innocent. I repent for those in my family line who used ungodly seduction, enticement or allurement to lead the upright and the righteous astray.

I repent for all those who had foolish lips and did not watch the words of their mouths.

I repent and renounce on behalf of myself and my family line for all who cursed father or mother.

I repent and renounce for myself and my family line for hatred, racism, and slavery. I repent for putting others in the ungodly depth by hating, despising and discriminating against them because of different skin color, culture, gender, and beliefs. I choose to forgive those who came against my family line because of different skin color, culture, gender, and beliefs. Lord, break the consequences of these sins off my family line and restore love that goes beyond racial, cultural, economic, gender and diversity boundaries.

Lord, please break the consequences of these sins off of me and my family lines, and Lord, please remove me and my lamp from any ungodly secret place, and deep darkness.

Lord, please release me from any ungodly contracts that my ancestors or I agreed to and entered into that have brought me into the spirit of poverty. I pray that You would redeem what the devil has taken away and restore to me Your riches and Your glory.

Lord, I repent for and renounce all generational curses that come with seeking worldly riches. Lord please restore me to seek riches in You alone. I repent for myself and my family line for robbing the poor, swindling, gambling, cheating and using witchcraft to gain wealth. Father, I repent for myself and my generational line for being greedy to gain wealth, power, knowledge, titles, position, mantles, and wisdom from any source other than from You.

Lord, I renounce and repent on behalf of myself for all those in my family line who were destroyed through lack of knowledge because they did not seek You, Your knowledge and Your wisdom, and for all those who did not seek your guidance in their walk, their business, their work, their ministry, their family or other circles of influence. Please remove my family and ministry from any ungodly depth, pit, trap or snare. Please restore to me all the blessings, and benefits that have been held in the ungodly depth for my family line.

Lord, I declare that the enemy will now fall into the trap and snare he had set for me.

Lord, I repent and renounce for myself and all those in my family line who did not walk in true spiritual unity, but allowed bitterness, jealousy and envy to be in our midst, causing us to fall into a trap and a snare. I repent for all those who did not guard their friends and family or the body of Christ and watched them fall into ungodly depths.

Lord, on behalf of myself and my ancestors, I repent for casting an evil eye on others because of envy and jealousy, thus placing them into ungodly depths. Lord please remove and restore any parts of me that were placed in ungodly depths due to the evil eye.

Lord, on behalf of myself and my ancestors, I repent for all ungodly passivity that caused me to come into agreement with unjust accusations, ungodly perceptions, ungodly images, word curses, limitations, gossip and slander that were sent against me or anything that belongs to me. Lord, please disconnect me from all these and cancel them. Lord, I now choose to come into agreement with Your perception of me.

Lord, in your mercy, please break off any ungodly work of my hands. Lord, I repent and renounce on behalf of myself and my family line for worshiping foreign gods, idols, and ungodly beings putting me in ungodly depths, especially through drugs and the spirit of pharmacia. Lord, please remove any part of me that has been trapped in the dimensions and cleanse it in Your blood.

Lord, I repent and renounce for myself and my family line for uttering false prophecies, ungodly prayers, witchcraft curses, or incantations that have placed me into any ungodly depths. Please remove all consequences of these actions.

Lord, please disconnect me from any ungodly physical touch, trauma, or assault that has trapped any part of me in ungodly depths.

Lord, I repent and renounce on behalf of myself and generational line for all those who committed acts or harbored emotions that would place us into any ungodly depth. I repent for all dishonest or unjust covenants made by my ancestors or me. I forgive those who committed injustice against us, and who brought false accusations against us.

I repent for myself and my ancestors for all fear of man, for not caring for the widows and fatherless, and for declaring that no one would restore us from the pit, Sheol, Hades or any ungodly depth. I choose now to believe and declare that You are the one true God and will restore me.

Lord please now rescue me and my family line from any and all places in the ungodly depth that trapped us, and restore us to Your True and Righteous depth and height- Your plumb line.
Father, in Jesus name, my desire is to be rightly related to You, to have all that You intend to give me and to receive everything that is in my inheritance. I ask You to open my eyes, and correct my perceptions. Show me how to work out my salvation daily. Show me what to let go of and whom to extend forgiveness, so my position will change. Lord, I repent for self-righteousness and wrongly judging others. Lord, please remove the shackle, trap, and snares from my legs.

Lord, I repent for myself and my generational line for denying miracles, power, and the resurrection that You purchased. Lord, remove any balls and chains on me and set me free from the grave.

Lord please shatter the glass walls of deception and ungodly perception that keep me from hearing, speaking, and seeing clearly with Your perception.

Lord, I repent for not acknowledging that the sins of my ancestors and their belief systems affect me today. I repent for blind ignorance and passivity keeping me from taking the kingdom by force. I choose to awaken to righteousness. Lord, please give me a heart of humility and position me rightly before You.

Lord, fill my heart with Your love and give me a revelation of who You are and what my walk is supposed to look like.

Father God, I repent for putting others into the pit through judgments, selfish ambition, and jealousy, especially against my brothers and sisters in Christ. Lord, I repent for choosing to live in the victim mentality.

I repent and renounce on for all idolatry and ungodly worship of man, man’s ways and not truly worshipping and exalting You, Lord God.

Lord, please disconnect me from the ungodly star, and ungodly elders, rulers and powers that are holding me and chaining me to the pit, and take off the ungodly cummerbund, the knots and cords that have trapped me there.

Lord, please break off, shatter, destroy, remove and cut off any witchcraft which has empowered my entrapment in any of these ungodly dimensional places such as Sheol, death, fear, Hades, the snare, ungodly depth, perdition, the pits, the darkest place, utter darkness or the deep darkness. Lord, I repent and renounce on behalf of myself and my generational line for all those who used seduction, or any sexual practice as a means to entice and entrap people into ungodly dimensions.

Lord, remove me from the deep darkness of Sheol, the ungodly depth, fear, the snare, the trap, perdition, the pit, the darkest place, utter darkness or the deep darkness. Lord, please remove me from the snares, traps and nets that have bound my soul, my spirit, my body and my health in the ungodly depths.

The majority of these prayers are included in our book Generational Prayers – 2022 Edition, which is available in paperback and eBook formats. Visit this page for details.

Come Up Higher and the Exploring Heavenly Places book series provide biblical explanations of our prayers. Visit our bookstore for more information.

These prayers are not a quick fix. Instead, they are starting points as you work out your freedom in Christ. Be ready to adjust these prayers as you and those you pray with listen to the Holy Spirit.

Permission is given to print this prayer in its entirety provided that no changes are made. In addition, please reference Aslan’s Place and on all reproductions. This prayer may not be reproduced in publications without written consent from Aslan’s Place.