Yearly Archives: 2013

Swatting the Fly of Fear

Ed Silvoso, founder of Harvest Evangelism, tells the story of a pastor, who one day, was walking along the seashore. As he was trying to enjoy the scenery, a swarm of flies began bothering him. “There is a spiritual truth here,” the Lord said. “Understand the life cycle of the […]

Swatting the Fly of Doubt

Ed Silvoso, founder of Harvest Evangelism, tells the story of a pastor, who one day, was walking along the seashore. As he was trying to enjoy the scenery, a swarm of flies began bothering him. “There is a spiritual truth here,” the Lord said. “Understand the life cycle of the […]

Swatting the Fly of Depression

Ed Silvoso, founder of Harvest Evangelism, tells the story of a pastor, who one day, was walking along the seashore. As he was trying to enjoy the scenery, a swarm of flies began bothering him. “There is a spiritual truth here,” the Lord said. “Understand the life cycle of the […]

Swatting the Fly of Curses

Ed Silvoso, founder of Harvest Evangelism, tells the story of a pastor, who one day, was walking along the seashore. As he was trying to enjoy the scenery, a swarm of flies began bothering him. “There is a spiritual truth here,” the Lord said. “Understand the life cycle of the […]

Swatting the Fly of Anger

Ed Silvoso, founder of Harvest Evangelism, tells the story of a pastor, who one day, was walking along the seashore. As he was trying to enjoy the scenery, a swarm of flies began bothering him. “There is a spiritual truth here,” the Lord said. “Understand the life cycle of the […]