1. You may be tired for a few days
2. You may feel confused and/or disoriented. Many find that the Lord seems to re-order their mind after a deliverance. Many tell of their head feeling empty.
3. You may have a sense of a loss of identity. Some of what you thought was you and your thoughts have left. Allow time you the Lord to give you your true identity.
4. You may not notice any difference for a few days. In fact, you should allow some six months to pass to note any real changes.
5. Stay involved in a church. Read your Bible regularly.
6. The enemy may try to come around and claim he has not left. Demand the enemy leave! It may be that you might need more prayer. If so, do not hesitate to call. Remember we are in constant spiritual warfare according to Ephesians 6:10. Do not be surprised that there are continued struggles against the enemy. Welcome to the normal Christian life!!!
7. If you have questions call!!! Do not be afraid to ask for more prayer! Sometimes other issues surface after the initial deliverance.
8. Read Defeating Dark Angels by Chuck Kraft, Overcoming the Advisary by Mark Bubeck, and Walking in the Light by Neil Anderson.
9. Continue your therapy. Often the enemy covers issues that would bring you complete freedom. Once the enemy is gone, you will need to process these memories and work through how to have godly thinking patterns.
10. Do not go off any medications without the approval of your doctor psychiatrist. If you feel you no longer need these medications,talk this over with your doctor and gain permission to start weaning yourself off them.