Unexpected Breakthrough After Personal Ministry

I wanted you to know I had a breakthrough that I did not expect!It had to do with feeling rejected, but come to find out it was a lie.

I was seeking a ministry God had not directed me to. It was really God closing me off and I thought it was people! What an amazing revelation!

They actually are very loving towards me, so rejection wasn’t making sense.

I don’t think I would’ve seen or heard this, if I hadn’t had the prayer before hand. Since then I have had so much more joy and peace.

I also had a gal from our church approach me to pray for her infertility. I used to pray for many people but set that aside a few years ago to receive healing and deliverance myself.

I thought I might use some CDs on blessing the womb but I didn’t have enough time to receive them and instead of being fearful about it I checked in with Holy Spirit and instructed me to use the same format as Aslan’s place used for me. I felt my heart get so warm! I knew Holy Spirit wanted me to depend on him and trust him that he had instructions on how to help this woman. I had just listened and participated with Paul Cox video of revealing the Morning Star. Interesting. In the past I would experience a lot of gripping fear….probably because I put it on myself instead of Him.

He told me the morning of prayer, to focus only what was connected to infertility as I went through her family line….so that’s what we did. Of course Holy Spirit brought up more than just infertility. I think his instructions were so I would not be overwhelmed.

Both of us felt the presence of the Lord working physically, giving visions, words of knowledge etc. but I asked non-leading questions as you did so it could all be lead by Him.

I also realized I felt discernment on my back left part of my head and leave when each one was gone. Yay, such a helpful tool!!!
She felt her heart area get warm during prayer and grow bigger afterwards!!!

Also when we prayed for her womb she said she felt things moving around!!! We are believing God for healing!!!

The majority of these prayers are included in our book Generational Prayers – 2022 Edition, which is available in paperback and eBook formats. Visit this page for details.

Come Up Higher and the Exploring Heavenly Places book series provide biblical explanations of our prayers. Visit our bookstore for more information.

These prayers are not a quick fix. Instead, they are starting points as you work out your freedom in Christ. Be ready to adjust these prayers as you and those you pray with listen to the Holy Spirit.

Permission is given to print this prayer in its entirety provided that no changes are made. In addition, please reference Aslan’s Place and aslansplace.com on all reproductions. This prayer may not be reproduced in publications without written consent from Aslan’s Place.