I thoroughly enjoy the Exploration Sessions! Through Paul and his team’s direction, I experienced finding an ungodly gate in my living room and closed it. As well as a ungodly gate in my best friend apartment and I told her how to close it.
Also, I learned how to be sensitive to the direction of the Holy Spirit speaking to me through the sense of seeing, hearing and touching. In one session Pastor Paul said “Did you feel that?”, and then I felt such a force that plunged into my core so strongly I could not move off the couch. Later that day, I went to work and I could not stop saying Hallelujah all the way to work. What a marvelous release I felt and the joy to say Hallelujah! I am inspired and excited that Biblical Discernment is real, practical and tangible. Thank you for all that you do may the Lord continue to bless your ministry!