Heaven Trek


By Paul L. Cox

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God desires to share His creation with us every day!  However, often we focus only on the physical world and never on the “unseen” spiritual world.  We too can explore ALL of God’s creation because of what Christ did for us, and through the Holy Spirit.  (Making sure that we use God’s word as the test of truth).

In this book, Paul L. Cox shares how God prepared him for spiritual expeditions .  This book will help give you the biblical foundation and understanding to go where God wants you to go.

Are you ready for your own Heaven Trek?

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Heaven Trek

Chapter 1

Several years ago, when I was a youth pastor at a Baptist church in Southern California, I would take the junior high group to Magic Mountain. That was always a wonderful time because I liked riding the roller coasters and I always anticipated the new rides that would come with the new summer season. On one trip, I was anticipating with great excitement because I had heard about a new ride called “Freefall”. I took a couple of busloads of kids, got off the bus, and made our way into the park. Eventually we made our way to “Freefall”, and I saw this cage suspended on a pole, high up in the air, with a long line of people winding away from it. The people would get loaded into the cage and the attendants would close the cage, go straight up to the very top, move out onto the other track, and then drop down, and swoop to a stop. The people would exit, and the next group would get into the cage to repeat the process. I watched this happen over and over again. I thought, “Well that doesn’t look too bad. I can do that,” and, so I got onto “Freefall”. The cage started moving up, while we all stood up. The cage went all the way up to the top, about three million feet in the air, and I looked down through the cage at the ground, and I thought, “God did not create us to be this high above the ground looking at it from this distance.” Then, somebody pushed a button, and I thought, I was going to die. The cage dropped down, swooped, came to a stop, and the ride was over. So, I got off the ride and I walked, around for awhile and I thought, “I don’t know if I liked that or not.” But I kept on looking at the ride, and I thought, “I might ride it again but, I’m not sure if I will.” Towards the end of the day, when I was finally getting the courage up to maybe ride it again, I noticed that there was a crowd of people, and they were all looking up at the top of the ride. And so, of course, I looked up. Now the entire crowd is looking up at the top of “Freefall”, especially looking at a ladder going up the pole. At the top of the ride, the cage was suspended in the air, and it was not moving. Now our focus was on the ladder because there was a man on the ladder going up the pole that was high in the air, obviously moving towards the suspended cage. Everything now made sense. The ride was broken! On the ground, there was an hour and one-half long line of people waiting to get on “Freefall.” This is the picture. There is now a broken ride, with an employee climbing up the ladder, and there is a line almost two hours long waiting to get on the broken ride. Then, I made a rapid decision and the decision was, “I am not going to get on that ride again!”

Why is it that we are so compelled to do things that are exciting? We are even willing to wait in a line to get on a broken ride! Why is it? We seem to move from one event to another, always hoping that the next event will perhaps bring us to a level of excitement and thrill that will finally satisfy us; but, we never seem satisfied.

Dean Sherman, who taught for Youth with a Mission, spoke one time to our church in Southern California, and he made an amazing statement. He said that we are interested in three things; a great romance, a great conflict and a great adventure. Look at the television programs we watch, the music we listen to, the movies that we go to, the video games that we play, or even the outdoor sports in which we compete. We spend our entire lives trying to find the greatest adventure, the greatest romance, and the greatest conflict. The difficulty is not that we have consumed our time in this quest, but rather, that we have not looked in the right place. We have failed to understand that there is, in the universe, a Being Who is uncreated, a Being Who is from everlasting to everlasting, a Being Who created us for and invites us into the greatest romance, the greatest adventure, and the greatest conflict in the entire universe. When we are invited into His presence, everything else starts to seem boring, because it does not measure up to that which is the Greatest.

Over the past few years, I have found that there is an ever increasing longing of people for intimacy with the Lord. Many are tired of “church” as usual. They want to meet God and experience a deeper relationship with Him. It was during a trip to Germany that I witnessed first hand the reality of the desperate nature of the members of the church wanting a deeper encounter with the Lord.

We have had the great joy of taking several trips to Germany. On the second trip, we were scheduled for a conference with the State Lutheran Church. I went with great fear and trepidation because I was not sure what God was going to do, or rather, I was afraid what He might do. Publicity for the deliverance conference was posted and I was wondering if anybody was going to come. To my surprise, over 250 came. Now they did not show up to see me. They were hungry for the power of God, hungry for something that would finally make a difference in their lives. They were tired of “church”.

I was still concerned that they would not respond positively to the power of God, so I thought to myself “I am going to be very safe with this group. I can do some teaching, share my testimony. We will stay in the Word and teach the Biblical principles of discernment and generational deliverance. As a pastor, I was used to preaching through books of the Bible, so I was going to stay in the Bible because I did not want to get into any theological discussions. We started on Friday night, and that is exactly what we did. The next morning, one of the leaders came to me, and he said to me, “Now, we want you to lay hands on people and to pray for them.” In response I said, “I don’t know if I really want to do that yet. I’m not really sure how they’re going to receive this. We’ll wait until tonight and dismiss everybody and let them all go home and whoever wants to stay, I’ll pray for them.”

The leadership of the conference was irritated with me and insisted that I pray individually with each person. I decided that I would take one more step of precaution. I would ask the people what they wanted. When I asked the people, “Now what do you want?” I was stunned by the response. One lady said, “We are tired of information, we want ‘The Power’.” I now was left with no alternative. I prayed for the people. The Power of God moved mightily throughout the room. Waves and waves of His Glory moved over the room. No more need for a conference. The Lord had come to visit us!

I recently calculated that I have listened to more than 5,500 sermons since I accepted Christ as my personal Savior at the First Baptist Church in Honolulu, Hawaii at the age of six. Until eleven years ago, I could have predicted what was going to happen in every church service. No more. Now things are different. The Lord has brought me into a place where He brings me into groups of people to help them move from one place to another so that together, we are being changed from glory to ever increasing glory.

Are you tired of just another church service? Please understand me! I do not negate the influence of any sermon or church service in my life. Because of the Word of God and because of Baptist churches, I have a blessed marriage, a wonderful family, including children and grandchildren who love the Lord. But I must ask, “Are you ready for more of God? Are you ready to be changed from glory to glory?”

What do you want? I dare you to pray, “Lord, stir up my faith to believe the unexpected. Lord, stir up my faith. I can’t deal with life without more of You. Lord, stir up my faith that I might touch Your manifest presence. Lord, I want to see Your glory.”
Are you ready to enter into the great adventure, the adventure of finding a deeper relationship with the Lord? Do you believe that there really is more of Him?

Are you ready for Heaven Trek – daring to go where God wants you to go?