In this introductory book, we have included articles regarding aspects of the body, soul and spirit in order to provide a basic understanding of these elements of our humanity and help us see how our beings interact with the unseen. The shattering of these aspects of our lives through wounding prohibits us from becoming all that the Lord wants us to be, and enables the enemy to profit from what is rightfully ours. The cure for this pain will be further explored throughout the book series, Exploring Heavenly Places.
Exploring Heavenly Places is a new series of books that will explore the amazing and complex world of the spiritual heavenly places that affect our physical world. You will find it most beneficial to first read Heaven Trek and Come Up Higher, as these books are foundational to the new series.
Long ago, the Lord revealed the secret of receiving His revelation – it did not come to me directly, but was always developed in the context of other believers, and I never receive full understanding without consulting others. it is in such unity that new revelation is unpacked and understood; it is our journey together that brings enlightenment to the wisdom of the Lord; and it is for this reason that this series will be co-authored with others.
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Chapter 1
It is often a thought that establishes a wonderful principle in my mind—a thought that seems so simple at first that I am tempted just to forget it as a meaningless intrusion into my mind. However, as I am nudged by the Lord to seriously consider the ramifications of that thought, the enormity of the implications can astound me. In such a way, my consciousness was invaded one day in the midst of life’s daily routines. “The part is not the whole.” Although the thought seemed random, I was not able to ignore or forget it. “The part is not whole,” surfaced again and again, as if my mind was a computer processing a byte of necessary information to solve a complex mathematical equation. And then I understood.
In the fall of 1989, shortly after ministering my first deliverance, a man who had suffered severe childhood abuse approached me indicating that he needed help and felt the Lord had directed him to me for prayer. I was not prepared for what happened next! Suddenly, I was not talking to the man but to a young boy expressing the pain he had suffered. This was my first experience with Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD); and following that ministry session, many others started coming to me who had also experienced terrible pain as young children. I had now been exposed to a psychological world that was both troubling and terrifying.
During the following months I read extensively about MPD and listened to many recorded lectures from experts in the field. As more and more people came for ministry, I started developing a simple understanding of MPD and of the psychological and spiritual complexities of this defense system that is a response to early childhood trauma. Over the years the Lord has fine-tuned my perception of MPD.
1n 1994 the American Psychiatric Association, in its publication of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), the term “Multiple Dissociative Disorder” was changed to “Dissociative Identity Disorder” (DID) in order to more accurately describe the malady. Since those early years, extensive research both by Christians and the academic community has explored the staggering complexities of DID.
In 1998 a mutual friend introduced me to Dr. Tom Hawkins, who had also previously been exposed to DID. He had come to our home for a seven-day visit when we were living on the property of the Center for Prayer Mobilization in Idyllwild, CA. A wonderful friendship developed, and we later spent much more time together and often talked by phone as we matured in our under-standing about DID. Tom’s ministry, Restoration in Christ Ministries, became a leader in helping those who were severely abused by others.
As I shared in the introduction of the Exploring Heavenly Places series, the Lord continues to take us from the simple to the more complex, and this is one example. Even as we learned that a person could be shattered at a young age, we also began to discover that a person could be trapped in places in the ungodly depth, length, width, and height because of lifetime or generational issues. Sometimes this could be explained by our understanding of DID, but not always. As the Lord directed, we noticed that many people who had not been able to receive help before were now noticing dramatic improvement in their lives. It was as if we were exploring many tributaries of a large river, noticing that there seemed to be connections, but unaware of how to reconcile the way they came together amidst all of the revelation we were receiving.
I was often troubled because I could not understand how a person could be trapped in so many different places at one time, and further difficulty surfaced when the person also showed symptoms of DID. How could one function in life on earth and yet inhabit many other places in the spiritual world? As we experienced our own revelation, we noticed that many others were receiving similar truths. Ana Méndez Farrell writes in her book Regions of Captivity of ministering to her sister while she was hospitalized. The Lord showed Ana that her sister was trapped in a cave under water, and she provides a visual image of her vision in that book. The Lord revealed to Ana how to minster to her sister and the result was a wonderful healing.
I was astonished because the Lord had also shown many people through dreams and visions that they or others were also trapped under the water. How was this possible? It was clear that Ana could see her sister in the hospital room, yet she also saw her under water. How could she be in two places at one time? It was while looking at Ana’s picture that I had a sudden realization my thought, “The part is not the whole,” finally made sense.
A person with DID can have many alter identities (alters), and Dr. Tom Hawkins has given us a good definition of an alter.
An alter-identity is a completely separated projection of the person’s true self, formed through dissociation to enable him to cope in the midst of overwhelming trauma. This is a more accurate designation than alter-personality, as each of these parts has a distinct identity but not always a completely developed personality. They are much more limited in function and awareness than primary identities, which carry the strongest essence of self.
As I have talked to alters, I’ve noticed that they exhibit the characteristics of a person, sometimes thinking they are the only one in the body. For example, a three-year-old alter may have the memories and personality of a three-year-old—he is everything that a three-year-old is. Yet, the alter is only a part; it is not the entire self. “The part is not the whole.” The separating of the core identity of into alters allows the whole person to be separated into parts that can then be relegated to different places in the spiritual world. Each part has the appearance of the whole, and might even function as a whole; but it is only a part.
We have now learned that the soul and spirit of a person can be separated into parts that can be placed in different locations in time, or in the heavenly realms. To add to the complexity of this reality, this can happen in the generational line as well and separated generational parts still seem to have influence on a person who is alive today. It is also possible that these parts have been fragmented so that the solution of finding a part and bringing it back to the body is only solved by first bringing the fragments back to the part, at which point the part can be addressed through the Lord’s guidance in prayer, returned to the person, and placed into the Lord’s perfect time.
In this introductory book we have included articles regarding aspects of the body, soul, and spirit in order to provide a basic understanding of these elements of our humanity and help us see how our beings interact with the unseen. The shattering of these aspects of our lives through wounding prohibits us from becoming all that the Lord wants us to be and enables the enemy to profit from what is rightfully ours. The cure for this pain will be further explored throughout the book series Exploring Heavenly Places.