In 2003 my mother brought me to Aslan’s Place for two days of prayer ministry. I was in college at the time and I believe the prayer and ministry I received at Aslan’s Place was strategic to the deep healing and restoration that God was doing in my heart.
I grew up a pastor’s daughter and was attending Bible College. I loved the Lord and had walked with him all my life in a personal relationship, but began to struggle towards the end of high school with feelings of depression and lack of self value. My father loved the Lord very much but was also a very driven man, task-oriented, and busy. Being the oldest of several children I quickly learned that when I performed well, whether it be in school, music, work etc, I would get the love and attention I was craving. Being the typical over achiever and perfectionist, I began my first year of Bible College doing everything perfect. But without anyone close by to affirm my deep need for love and self-worth I grew heavy and I developed anorexia. Part of it was demonic, which I had picked up from a girl I knew at college and the other part was fueled by the void and lack in my emotions and spirit.
I was in denial for a year and a half until I was so physically ill, it couldn’t be ignored. I quit college and returned to live at home with my parents. This was the first stage of my healing. During this season my father pulled me close to him and I was allowed to live at home without having to pay rent or work a job. During this season I learned how to “be” a daughter and not perform to earn the love I needed. The Lord began to change my self identity and pour into me. With nutritional counseling, prayer counseling from my church, antidepressants, and counseling with a psychologist, I began to improve. The eating problems were under control and I decided to return to college.
A year later in the summer before my senior year, I took a month mission trip to China. After the trip I was flung into a downward spiral of depression and I lost a ton of weight again. At the time I was in school and struggling immensely. My mother suggested we go to Aslan’s Place, which was a two hour drive from the college I was attending. She flew down from Seattle and drove with me out to Aslan’s Place.
In the two days of prayer I was amazed at the layers of demonic activity that were pealed back and dealt with. Some of it was from the China trip and past trips to China. Other parts were generational. The other part that the prayer ministers did with me was to give the Father’s Blessing, which was also key to all the father issues I had been working through. It was a weekend of overload and I had to process things for the next several weeks and even months.
Slowly I began to improve. I cannot tell you the point at which the healing happened. The majority of it took place that year, but God continued to change habits of thinking and perspectives, patterns etc. over the next three or four years following. What I see the Lord did was completely root out the brokenness and fill the lack that my earthly father was not able to meet. He completely healed my physical body and I’m completely healed of depression and have never struggled with it since. Furthermore I was told I would never be able to have children naturally because of the damage the eating disorder had done to my body, but I am currently pregnant with our second child. Also my husband and I have been missionaries for two years and I’ve never struggled with any depression. We’ve actually learned to overcome demonic activity we’ve encountered and cover ourselves and family in prayer. They say that 90% of people who have eating disorders never get fully free of them. It always follows them their whole life. But they are not taking into account the power of what Jesus did!
Thank you, thank you, thank you, for praying for someone you didn’t know and giving up your time to pour into this life. I’m free and God has used me to in turn love many others to health as well. As I mentioned before the weekend at Aslan’s place was key to the final closure God wanted to bring to my healing. I’m deeply in debt to you!