Yearly Archives: 2013

Prayer of Renunciation – Physical Body

Lord, please reverse the work of any evil operators, including thrones, who changed the vibration of my foundation affecting the DNA of the zygote in the womb. Holy Spirit, please now hover over the original DNA in the zygote, so that I will resonate only with the Holy Trinity. Lord, […]

Prayer of Renunciation – Soul

I transfer ownership of all that I am and all that I have to the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I now ask You, Lord, to cancel all legal right for evil influences and activity in every domain of my being. I declare the Lordship of Jesus Christ over every […]

Prayer to Remove the Roots of Rebellion

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I repent for all generational idolatry. I repent for all personal and generational rebellion, stubbornness, and disobedience that have contributed to witchcraft in my life and in my generational line. I repent for all envy and jealousy of the mind, physical bodies, […]

Prayer to Release Dreams

Father, in the name of Jesus I submit this prayer on behalf of myself and my entire generational line back to before the beginning of time; as I renounce and repent for all of us who ever discounted or ignored our God-given dreams in any way. I repent for: All […]

Swatting the Fly of Waste

Ed Silvoso, founder of Harvest Evangelism, tells the story of a pastor, who one day, was walking along the seashore. As he was trying to enjoy the scenery, a swarm of flies began bothering him. “There is a spiritual truth here,” the Lord said. “Understand the life cycle of the […]

Swatting the Fly of Shame

Ed Silvoso, founder of Harvest Evangelism, tells the story of a pastor, who one day, was walking along the seashore. As he was trying to enjoy the scenery, a swarm of flies began bothering him. “There is a spiritual truth here,” the Lord said. “Understand the life cycle of the […]

Swatting the Fly of Rejection

Ed Silvoso, founder of Harvest Evangelism, tells the story of a pastor, who one day, was walking along the seashore. As he was trying to enjoy the scenery, a swarm of flies began bothering him. “There is a spiritual truth here,” the Lord said. “Understand the life cycle of the […]

Swatting the Fly of Pride

Ed Silvoso, founder of Harvest Evangelism, tells the story of a pastor, who one day, was walking along the seashore. As he was trying to enjoy the scenery, a swarm of flies began bothering him. “There is a spiritual truth here,” the Lord said. “Understand the life cycle of the […]

Swatting the Fly of Lust

Ed Silvoso, founder of Harvest Evangelism, tells the story of a pastor, who one day, was walking along the seashore. As he was trying to enjoy the scenery, a swarm of flies began bothering him. “There is a spiritual truth here,” the Lord said. “Understand the life cycle of the […]