Sounds of Freedom – Dale Shannon

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There’s a sound in the air,

a sound for the season

calling you near.


There’s a sound in the land,

a sound without reason

calling you to stand.


Put your hope in Him.

Your trust has made Him grin.

Chains of the past,

no more can last.

He’s calling your name.


There’s a call in the air,

Your worries, He’ll bear.

Not cut off and alone

with Him on the throne

you have a new tone.


Connected you’ll be

others too will see

walls coming down

at the release of the sound


Cast your gaze on

the King of Kings

I give you a voice, a sound,

a song to sing.

Blessings, and peace,

the new sound will bring

In My presence my child.


Sound the alarms,

the warning bells ring.

A new time, a new place,

Get ready for the King.

Hope is in the air

You are released from the snares

and all the world’s cares.


Freedom is the sound

Freedom will bound

New hope, new beginnings

Shake off the past

And all that will not last.


A new beginning

I have decreed

In this venture,

You have all you need.

I call you higher

to trust and believe.


No longer are you trapped

No longer are you strapped

Chords have been broken

In my love is peace

In my love is joy.


Called out ones

I open up doors,

of opportunities

I take down walls of concern

Walls of containment

Walls of confinement.


Let go of offenses and

wounds from the past.

Into the future you will blast.

New towns, new sounds,

My words I plant in you.

Break open the seals

New assignments I give

New purposes to live.



The majority of these prayers are included in our book Generational Prayers – 2022 Edition, which is available in paperback and eBook formats. Visit this page for details.

Come Up Higher and the Exploring Heavenly Places book series provide biblical explanations of our prayers. Visit our bookstore for more information.

These prayers are not a quick fix. Instead, they are starting points as you work out your freedom in Christ. Be ready to adjust these prayers as you and those you pray with listen to the Holy Spirit.

Permission is given to print this prayer in its entirety provided that no changes are made. In addition, please reference Aslan’s Place and on all reproductions. This prayer may not be reproduced in publications without written consent from Aslan’s Place.

About Dale Shannon

Dale Shannon is director of “Fulfill Your Dream”, a non -profit ministry created to inspire those who desire to live a fuller more meaningful life to reach their God given potential for greatness. She is Minister, Life Coach and Professor who teaches internationally on “Fulfilling Your Dreams and Destiny”, and “Understanding Dreams Bring Healing”. As a Minister, Dale is equipped in prayer counseling, inner healing and deliverance through the power of the Holy Spirit. She has been mentored by Dr. Paul Cox and ministered with Aslan’s Place for five years. In addition, she been has been trained by Sozo Ministry, Restoring the Foundations and Streams Institute. In Life Coaching, Dale is certified as a Professional Life Coach and NLP Master Practitioner receiving training from Erickson College, and Global NLP. She has assessment certification in “Leading from Your Strengths” personality profiles from Ministry Insights. With a passion to bring God’s glory into Los Angeles, Dale has coordinated conferences bringing in speakers who carry God’s glory. She serves as a leader in Expression 58, Shawn Bolz’s church. One of Dale’s highlights is to lead dream and prophetic teams, and to be a member of Chuck Pierce’s dream and prophetic teams for annual conferences. For 18 years, Dale taught Bible studies including Precepts and also she directed church prayer ministries. She had a dramatic encounter with the Holy Spirit in 2000 giving her a fiery passion for Jesus and a compassion for others to walk in the fullness of their God given call. Dale’s passion is to see others come into an intimate relationship with Father God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit to live their God given dream. Dale can be reached from her website: