Exploring Heavenly Places – Season 2 (2016)

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Following a format similar to our popular Discernment Exploration sessions, Paul and Brian will share new insights and demonstrate how to test revelation biblically. You’ll also learn how to exercise the authority we all have through Jesus Christ to bring breakthrough in our lives and the lives of others.

Season 2 Archived Episodes Are Listed Below

Click here for season 1 episodes



Episode 15

Air date: November 12th, 2016

Brian leads a discussion on the importance of testing prophetic. Paul facilitates a biblical exploration of spiritual beings called thrones. The group repents for passing false judgments and asks God to establish His true throne.

Episode 14

Air date: November 12th, 2016

Paul, Brian and the group explore God’s power and biblical examples of I Am. Prophetic words are delivered that indicate God seems to be cleaning up libraries….thus leading to a fresh start through Jesus Christ.

Episode 13

Air date: October 8th, 2016

The discussion on foundations continues. This episode concludes with a prayer repenting for false foundations and asking God to establish His true foundation.

Episode 12

Air date: October 8th, 2016

Paul, Brian and the group discuss foundations and that they have been corrupted through sin. The group explores how God wants to redeem and clean up our foundations.

Episode 11

Air date: August 13th, 2016

Paul, Brian and the group demonstrate following God’s lead as the discern evil that seems to cause division in the brain. Prophetic words are delivered that lead to prayer repenting for humanistic reasoning. The group then asks God to remove division.

Episode 10

Air date: August 13th, 2016

Paul and Brian provide a review of our current biblical understanding of Heavenly Places
Slides for this presentation are available here.

Episode 9

Air date: July 23, 2016

Paul, Brian and the group follow God’s lead as He takes the group out of deception and into His truth.

Episode 8

Air date: July 23, 2016

Paul, Brian and the group explore what the Bible has to stay about God’s truth as they discuss the sometimes difficult but necessary need to remain in that truth as we strive toward unity in Christ.

Episode 7

Air date: June 25, 2016

Paul, Brian and the group continue their exploration of pillars.

Episode 6

Air date: June 25, 2016

Paul and Brian discuss the need to rely solely on the 66 books of the Holy Bible when testing revelation.

Paul teaches on the biblical references to truth. The group also explore the concept of Godly pillars.

Episode 5

Air date: May 14, 2016

Paul and Brian explore Biblical examples of God’s power. The groups also explore examples of thrones.

References for this episode:
Path Scriptures
Notes on Paths
Power Words in the New Testament
Prophetic words 5-14-16

Episode 4

Air date: May 14, 2016

Paul shares emerging revelation from God regarding pathways. We feel that this understanding leads to new levels of healing in Christ.

References for this episode:
Path Scriptures
Notes on Paths
Power Words in the New Testament
Prophetic words 5-14-16

Episode 3

Air date: March 12, 2016

In a special Exploring Heavenly Places, Paul, Brian and the group pray for a woman battling cancer. They demonstrate a process of praying for DNA and the elements on the periodic table. All while asking God to bring us back to His original design.

Episode 2

Air date: January 16, 2016

Paul shares recent prophetic words and the group continues to explore revelation tied to new levels of freedom in Christ.

Notes on Episodes 1 and 2 are available here.

Episode 1

Air date: January 16, 2016

Paul shares recent prophetic words and the group continues to explore revelation tied to new levels of freedom in Christ.

Notes on Episodes 1 and 2 are available here.

The majority of these prayers are included in our book Generational Prayers – 2022 Edition, which is available in paperback and eBook formats. Visit this page for details.

Come Up Higher and the Exploring Heavenly Places book series provide biblical explanations of our prayers. Visit our bookstore for more information.

These prayers are not a quick fix. Instead, they are starting points as you work out your freedom in Christ. Be ready to adjust these prayers as you and those you pray with listen to the Holy Spirit.

Permission is given to print this prayer in its entirety provided that no changes are made. In addition, please reference Aslan’s Place and aslansplace.com on all reproductions. This prayer may not be reproduced in publications without written consent from Aslan’s Place.