Understanding and Implementing Generational Prayer Resources June 2022

Daily Academy Schedule Discernment Notes for the Head and Body Song- So Send I You: www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqBi7srlHk4 Full PowerPoint presentation for this course: Understanding and Implementing Generational Prayer 6 6 22 Book recommendation: Is God to Blame?, Gregory Boyd. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/485633.Is_God_to_Blame_ Song – King of Saints: https://youtu.be/r8mu8UDF5j8 Aslan’s Place article on the […]

Why Are We Not Healed?

(Note: This article is based on a sermon Paul preached at Mountain View Community Church in Kaneohe, Hawaii on February 5, 2022.) This morning I woke up and realized that I am feeling the branches. I started thinking about this and remembered that I have discerned branches many times over […]

Radical Obedience Resources May 2022

Article – The Collapse of a Christian Worldview Discernment Notes for the Head and Body Jana’s painting on the Womb of the Dawn: https://www.signsandwondersstudio.com/shop/71irzzpdmrshv6dks7ai9nw3cwzay9 Song played during Beverly Chang’s hula dance: https://youtu.be/3s8vXIg9ocI   Christ Manifested Martyn Lloyd – Jones Spiritual Gifts Article – Paul-L-Cox Spiritual Gift Questionnaire Spiritual Gifts Answer […]

Resources for April 23rd Growing in Discernment

Summary of EHP Books through Volume 12 Discernment Notes for the Head and Body   Domains Body Diagram – Printable Notes on Flaming Sword Lovingkindness Talk Notes-on-Flaming-Sword Notes on Horns Yahweh HD – Bonnie Deuschle & Celebration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nyg8VIAifF4    

Holy Ones and Judicial Decrees

The Lord has shown us that the Holy Ones are the Judicial Branch of the Divine Government, of which Jesus is in charge. During a recent generational prayer session, I noticed that as the client prayed I could feel hundreds of Holy Ones making judicial decrees and declarations; they were […]

A Call to Battle

A Message by Paul L. Cox in Hawaii on Feb. 13, 2022 Many decades ago, when I was a young man I would often go into my father’s library. My dad was cook in the Marine Core who loved the Bible; he would also collect books and I would read […]

A Fresh Perspective on the Sound of the Lord

Preface: This article is from a sermon that Paul Cox preached at Rob Gross’s church in Kanehoe, Hawaii on August 8, 2021. Since then, God has continued to direct them to develop the Kingdom Institute, which now offers college-level courses both at Aslan’s Place in CA, and Mountain View Community […]

Resources for February 19th, 2022 Discernment Class

Summary of EHP Books through Volume 12 Discernment Notes for the Head and Body Strong Right Arm of the Lord Notes regarding David inquired of the Lord             Domains Body Diagram – Printable  

January 2022 Resource Page

Summary of EHP Books through Volume 12 Monday Aslan’s-Place-Meeting-Guidelines Tuesday   Wednesday Introduction to Elements and DNA Fractals and Elements explanation Presentation on The Sound of the Lord Thursday Sound Verses   Domains Body Diagram – Printable Friday Replacing Ungodly Elders Prophetic words and notes taken during the week word […]

It Is Not What I Thought It Was – Encountering Grace

In 1989, I was pastoring a church and had been speaking on spiritual warfare. As a result of that sermon a person came in for prayer and for the first time, demons manifested and we were off and running. For the next two years, if something strange did not happen […]