Renunciation of Sins Associated with the Tree of Forgetfulness and the Release of Godly Inheritance – Brian P. Cox

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In the country of Benin, on the coast of West Africa, lies a small town called Ouidah (Whydah). For more than 200 years, the Portuguese, the Dutch, the British and the French maintained forts near this town.  The forts were established to protect each country’s interest in slave trade.  Men, woman and children were captured from as far away as Ethiopia and forced to walk across the continent to ships waiting in Ouidah.  Often individuals would be sold into slavery after becoming prisoners of war.  Eventually even family members would sometimes sell relatives into slavery. One example is king Andandozan who is reported to have sold his brother’s mother into slavery.

From the slave market in the city of Ouidah, the enslaved were taken down the “route of the slaves” and then forced to walk around the “Tree of Forgetfulness.” Men were marched around the tree nine times. Women and children were marched around the tree seven times.  The intention was for their souls to forget their former lives so that they would not come back to haunt those who had sold them into slavery.  A monument resembling a mermaid now stands were the tree once grew.  With the monument is a plaque containing the words; “Inaugurated on 7th of February 1993 … at the World Festival of Voodoo Arts and Cultures.”


Renunciation of Sins Associated with the Tree of Forgetfulness and the Release of Godly Inheritance

In the name of Jesus Christ, as a representative of my family line.  I repent for all those who sold others, including family members, into slavery.  I repent for causing others to walk around the tree of forgetfulness and for placing curses of amnesia on them.  I repent for stealing freedom and inheritance from others for personal gain or profit.  I declare on behalf of myself and my family line that we reject all profit gained by ungodly practices.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I break all curses associated with those acts, and I command all evil associated with those curses to leave and go to the place Jesus sends you.   Also, Lord would you now remove anything that is blocking your favor and blessings.

Lord God please restore all Godly memories and inheritances to me and my family line. Lord, please release any blessings, favors, and gifting that has been blocked.  Amen.



The majority of these prayers are included in our book Generational Prayers – 2022 Edition, which is available in paperback and eBook formats. Visit this page for details.

Come Up Higher and the Exploring Heavenly Places book series provide biblical explanations of our prayers. Visit our bookstore for more information.

These prayers are not a quick fix. Instead, they are starting points as you work out your freedom in Christ. Be ready to adjust these prayers as you and those you pray with listen to the Holy Spirit.

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