Prayer to Restore Compassion and the Fear of the Lord

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Lord, I repent for myself and for everyone in my family line who failed to have godly compassion toward others.

I repent for myself and my family line for being impatient or angry with You, Lord, and for blaming You for our suffering and the suffering of our loved ones.

For myself and for my family line, I renounce and repent for all false acts of compassion and all substitutionary acts of compassion.

For myself and my family line, I renounce and repent for condemning and judging instead of showing mercy and compassion.

For myself and for my family line, I repent for all those who did not heed the voice of compassion from the Lord but silenced the cries of those who were ill, hurting, injured, or in pain.

For myself and for my family line, I renounce and repent for mistaking compassion as weakness. I forgive those who have mistaken my compassion as weakness.

For myself and for my family line, I renounce and repent for not showing compassion for others who were in pain. I forgive those who did not show compassion while I was suffering.

For myself and for my family line, I renounce and repent for submitting to any ungodly authority which required us to suppress mercy and compassion.

For myself and for my family line, I renounce and repent for not having the Fear of the Lord and therefore ignoring Your promptings to show mercy and compassion to the least of Your children because it would have been too inconvenient, uncomfortable, or costly to do so. Lord, please forgive me for willingly disregarding Your words and grieving Your Holy Spirit. Lord, please forgive me for failing to show mercy and compassion to others as You have shown mercy and compassion to me.

For myself and for my family line, I renounce and repent for not recognizing and acknowledging that You have blotted out our transgressions and the transgressions of others through Your great compassion.

For myself and my family bloodline, I renounce and repent for rejecting those who were not healed after prayer. I renounce and repent for believing the lie that God does not care when the pain does not leave, and others do not show mercy and compassion.

For myself and for my family line, I renounce and repent for agreeing with being stuck in our own pain or understanding and for not expecting the Lord’s compassionate acts of mercy for those who were suffering.

For myself and for my family line, I renounce and repent for being impatient, judgmental, frustrated, and angry with those who don’t get healed, and with those who don’t seek to be healed but find their identity in their problems.

For myself and for my family line, I renounce and repent for embracing self-righteousness and legalism, for denying the Fear of the Lord and for not acknowledging our need for compassion.

For myself and for my family line, I renounce and repent for not showing mercy and compassion because we were convinced that the illness, disease, or affliction was a judgment sent from God, that it was for a person’s own good and that God was trying to teach them something.

For myself and for my family line, I renounce and repent for embracing illnesses, diseases, and afflictions as God’s will for our lives.

For myself and for my family line I repent for and renounce hard heartedness and passing by those in need. Lord, remove the heart of stone, and give me a heart of flesh so that I can feel what You feel and carry Your heart.

For myself and my family line I renounce and repent for loving our own comfort, selfish lives, and ease of living more than we loved offering compassion to others.

For myself and my family line, I renounce and repent for believing that excellent health and abundant provision are signs of God’s blessings and approval and that pain and suffering indicate God’s withdrawal and disapproval.

I renounce and repent for the idea that pain and suffering may be a person’s own fault and that and might be a sign that they aren’t even saved.

For myself and for my family line, I renounce selfishness and repent for valuing money and the cost of caring more than the healing and comfort of those in need. Lord, please forgive me if I withheld charity because I did not trust in Your timing and provision.

For myself and for my family line, I renounce and repent for being fearful of allowing compassionate healing in the church because it would upset the status quo.

For myself and my family line, I renounce and repent for withholding our own compassion and for stopping others from showing compassion—I repent for stopping emotional expressions of compassion, acts of compassion, and for blocking any demonstrations of empathy.

For myself and my family line, I renounce and repent for not allowing ourselves to be vulnerable in compassionate acts because we believed that it would hurt our social standing in the church.

I forgive all of those who seemed not to care and offered advice instead of prayer.

I forgive all of those who, rather than showing mercy and compassion, offered to sell CDs, DVDs, nutritional supplements and other products to me and my family while we were in need,

I forgive all those who were selfish and stingy with resources, compassion, and mercy in my time of need.

I ask forgiveness for condemning and accusing others for lack of faith because they remained sick. Lord, forgive me for coming into agreement with the accuser of the brethren.

I choose to forgive those who have not listened to my soft spoken voice as I have shared the compassionate heart of the Lord.

I now reject the lie that Job’s suffering was from God.

Lord, please tear down the walls that I have put up that keep me from experiencing the pain around me and from knowing Your heart.

For myself and for my family line, I renounce and repent for not believing and trusting that You, God, would bring us out of the wilderness times of our lives.

For myself and for my family line, I renounce and repent for refusing, rejecting, burying, or compromising our identity as compassionate people of God who are agents of God’s healing.

For myself and for my family line, I renounce and repent for being unwilling to persevere in long term compassion for the deeply wounded.

For myself and for my family line, I renounce and repent for caring more about schedules, programs, and decorum rather than stopping to help the ones in need.

For myself and for my family line, I renounce and repent for carrying compassion burdens that were not from You, Lord, and for not giving back to You the prayer burdens You gave us. I repent for and renounce carrying false burdens and heavy yokes instead of Your yoke which is light and easy.

For myself and for my family line, I renounce and repent for enabling others in their sin, not setting godly boundaries as Jesus did, and for taking on the role of “Savior” that only Jesus Christ can fulfill.

For myself and for my family line, I renounce and repent for embracing the belief that “I must burn out” for the Lord in exercising compassion. I repent for not resting from times of ministry and seeking the Lord for rest and refreshment.

For myself and for my family line, I renounce and repent for those who responded to compassion by taking on responsibility outside our sphere of authority.

For myself and for those in my generational line, I renounce and repent for abusing those with the gift of mercy and compassion to the point of exhaustion.

For myself and for my family line, I renounce and repent for seeing and hearing through our physical eyes and ears instead of the compassionate eyes and ears of Christ.

For myself and for those in my generational line, I renounce and repent for despising true wisdom and discipline, and for hardening our hearts and abandoning the Fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom.

For myself and for my family line, I renounce and repent for not being motivated with the love of Christ and for believing that acts of mercy were a duty and an obligation to fulfill. I renounce and repent for teaching duty and law instead of compassion and the Fear of the Lord.

For myself and for my family line, I renounce and repent for ignoring the hurting and being too busy to show compassion.

For myself and for my family line, I renounce and repent for not showing mercy, justice, and compassion for the poor, the weak, the oppressed, the downcast, and the rejected. I ask You, Lord, to show me who to minister to and when. Lord, I ask you to pierce my heart with Your love, compassion, grace, and mercy.

For myself and my family line, I renounce and repent for giving tithes and offerings and fulfilling Christian obligations, while lacking the Fear of the Lord in the more important matters of holiness, character, righteousness, justice, mercy, and faithfulness.

For myself and my family line, I renounce and repent for not keeping the commandments, statues, or judgments You have commanded. Lord, I desire to fear Your name and ask that You would prosper me as Your servant and grant me mercy so that I can complete the work that You have prepared for me.

For myself and my family line, I renounce and repent for receiving the compassion of the Lord but not extending that compassion to others.

I declare that the mercy and compassion of the Lord is with those who fear Him and with their children’s children.

For myself and my family line, I repent for those who did not choose to be taught the fear of the Lord. I choose to delight myself in the Fear of the Lord and to gain understanding, so I may operate in true mercy and compassion.

For myself and my family line, I renounce and repent for those who hated true knowledge, coming from a fear of the Lord, but sought a false knowledge, wisdom and understanding, coming from ungodly sources.

For myself and my family line, I renounce and repent for those who did not fear the Lord and hate evil, but instead practiced evil, and were proud and arrogant and perverse in speech.

For myself and my family line, I renounce and repent for those who did not walk uprightly, but despised the Lord by walking in devious ways; and for those who did not shun evil, but were foolish, hotheaded and reckless.

For myself and my family line, I renounce and repent for those who feared man instead of You, God, which led them into evil bondage.

I choose to honor You, God and to be like Daniel, who feared the Lord and did not obey an unrighteous law, trusting God with his very life. I trust You to be my help and shield.

I choose to be like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who feared the Lord over man’s decree, would not worship a false god; they were willing to die in the fiery furnace, yet trusted in God’s ability to rescue them.”

I choose to fear You, Lord, to follow Your precepts, and find great delight in Your commands.

I declare that the one who fears the Lord will not harden his heart towards those in need.

I choose to be zealous for the Fear of the Lord.

I declare I will be God driven rather than need driven and be God fearing rather than man fearing.

I declare that my delight is in the fear of the Lord, and therefore, I trust the Lord to lead me in compassion.

I declare that I will have compassion on the members of the traditional church as they learn to walk in the true fear of the Lord, learn to recognize and accept the manifestation of the mercy and compassion of the Lord, and allow God to be God in His Church.

I declare that I will approach You, Lord, with a contrite heart, a humble mind, and a heart for the lost.

I declare I will not live by the rules for being a Christian, but I will live in the fear of the Lord and His compassion.

I declare that the Fear of the Lord compels me to show compassion to others. I receive Your grace to love others as You love them. I receive Your showers of mercy to run the race set before me.

The majority of these prayers are included in our book Generational Prayers – 2022 Edition, which is available in paperback and eBook formats. Visit this page for details.

Come Up Higher and the Exploring Heavenly Places book series provide biblical explanations of our prayers. Visit our bookstore for more information.

These prayers are not a quick fix. Instead, they are starting points as you work out your freedom in Christ. Be ready to adjust these prayers as you and those you pray with listen to the Holy Spirit.

Permission is given to print this prayer in its entirety provided that no changes are made. In addition, please reference Aslan’s Place and on all reproductions. This prayer may not be reproduced in publications without written consent from Aslan’s Place.