Prayer to Renounce the Illegal Access of the Windows of Heaven

An introductory article to this prayer is available from this link: Windows and Branches

Lord, I lay claim to the world court case against the enemy that occurred on February 5, 2015 at Aslan’s Place in Apple Valley, CA. I ask that You would enforce the judgments made against the enemy on that day, and that you will close all windows that need to be closed and open all windows that need to be open. Lord, remove any ungodly branches and totally graft me into You as a branch in Your vine. I declare You are the true vine and I am a branch of You. Please remove all ungodly branches and burn them. I repent for establishing and nurturing these ungodly branches, and for not acknowledging you as my true vine and myself as a branch on Your vine. I submit this prayer on behalf of my family line as well as myself.

Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask You to forgive us for illegally accessing the windows of heaven for the purpose of personal financial gain. I repent for and renounce opening any heavenly windows through occult practice, idolatry, divination, witchcraft, covenant breaking, ungodly trading, the exploitation of others and false religions. I also repent for closing windows that should not be closed. Please close every window, gate and door that we opened illegally, and open every window, gate and door that should not have been closed.

Lord, please take me back to the womb of the dawn and recreate my DNA and RNA so that any influence of the fallen sons of God in my DNA and RNA is totally removed.

Lord, please remove all ungodly roots and branches.

Lord, I repent for not aligning to Your times and seasons to open and close windows. I repent for building my own times in reference to the windows. I repent for interrupting the flow of God’s times. I repent for extending times when they should not be extended.

I repent for defiling and making the windows dirty. Please clean the windows in the generational line, and cleanse me now, Father, by the blood of Your Son, and set me free from the consequences of opening heavenly windows by illegal means. Lord, You stated in John 14:6 that You are the way, the truth and the life and that no one can access the heavenly realms except through You. Please close every window, every door and every gate that was opened illegally, and restore us to Your plumb line. From this day forward, I will enter the windows of heaven only though You, as Your Spirit leads.

Lord, take the ax to the ungodly root in the ungodly womb of the dawn and destroy all ungodly roots and branches. Rightly connect me to Your roots, branches, and vine so that I can function as a godly branch in the order of Melchizedek.   Please give me a new heart.

I repent for any ungodly way in which we accessed windows. Please apply the scarlet thread, the hyssop, and the cedar to all ungodly covenants that opened windows that should not be open, and remove all access that ungodly stars gained because of those ungodly covenants in my family line. I repent for all ungodly covenants that affected any land area. Please disconnect us from those land areas.

Please break all ungodly ties to time, and to the windows of time and times. I repent for ungodly access to time and times and half of time, and ask You to apply Your blood to all markers in time. Please restore godly boundaries between space and time, and close all ungodly windows and doors between time and space. I repent for any way that we accessed time through space or space through time.

Please break off ungodly connections between stars and time. I repent for making all ungodly calendars based on the cycles of time and for changing times and seasons, and declare that all my days are written in Your book.

Lord please remove the abomination of desolation off of my family line, and remove all generational pages of the enemy that have been inserted into my book.

I repent for those who did not understand that the tithe was to go to Melchizedek; to Jesus, our High Priest. I repent for giving according to my own desires or due to the pressure of others, rather than asking Melchizedek, Jesus, our High Priest where I am to give my tithe.

As I am conceived in the womb of the dawn, do not allow any parts of me to be influenced by the fallen sons of God, or stars, or any other fallen spiritual beings. Please do not allow any animal, plant, fish, or spiritual DNA and RNA to be weaved into my DNA and RNA.   Please remove any unholy sequencing in my DNA and RNA placed there by the fallen sons of God. In the womb of the dawn, please correctly sequence the ACGT coding of my original design in the conception replication of all my DNA and RNA.

At my birth from the womb of the dawn, do not allow me to be scattered, but establish the righteous pillars of wisdom. Melchizedek, the true Lord Jesus, do not allow me to be scattered in the stars and in other time periods. I do not agree with that. Please do not allow any parts of me to be scattered in the unholy height, depth, length and width, or in all unholy dimensions and kingdoms.

I repent for those in my family and tribe who, by majority, made agreements with the enemy that ended up entrapping me even though it was not my desire.

At conception, please establish the correct lightning strikes to fuse my spirit to my soul and body. Please breathe into me so I am a living soul according to Your original desire and not according to the plans of the enemy.

Lord, as my spirit is moving from Your throne, please guide me so that I go to the holy height, depth, length and width; and prohibit any effort of the enemy to capture me and place me or any parts of me in the unholy depth, length, width, and height. I lay claim to all repentance and renunciations that I have prayed, that the enemy may not be allowed to capture me.

Lord, please remove all unholy subscripts from my generational line that allowed unholy authorities to carry curses down my generational line. Please disconnect me from the ungodly library, ungodly scrolls, the ungodly librarian, and all ungodly knowledge.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I repent for nurturing humanistic mindsets. I repent for placing the standards of man at a higher priority than Your truth.

I repent for times I allowed personal decisions to override Your leadership and truth. Lord I ask that You now disassemble and clean off all false and ungodly branches.

Please clean all unGodly branches, close all windows that should be closed, and do the same for all gates and doors.

Please remove all influence from Chronos time, and bring me into Your full Kairos time.

Please burn and destroy all that You are cleaning off.

Lord, I ask You now to release Your power.

The majority of these prayers are included in our book Generational Prayers – 2022 Edition, which is available in paperback and eBook formats. Visit this page for details.

Come Up Higher and the Exploring Heavenly Places book series provide biblical explanations of our prayers. Visit our bookstore for more information.

These prayers are not a quick fix. Instead, they are starting points as you work out your freedom in Christ. Be ready to adjust these prayers as you and those you pray with listen to the Holy Spirit.

Permission is given to print this prayer in its entirety provided that no changes are made. In addition, please reference Aslan’s Place and on all reproductions. This prayer may not be reproduced in publications without written consent from Aslan’s Place.