Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus Christ and I repent for myself and all of my ancestors who hardened their hearts to You. They rebelled and stubbornly turned away and did not listen to Your Word, Your Spirit or Your prophets. I repent for all generational hardheartedness, calloused hearts, blind hearts, resentment, blasphemy, bitterness and all unforgiveness. Lord, please break the curse of ignorance, all futile thinking, all darkened understanding and any lost sensitivity to Your Holy Spirit. I repent for all my ancestors who gave themselves over to sensuality and impurity with a continual lust for more.
Lord, I repent for all that trusted in works rather than faith and Your grace. I repent for any rebellion, disobedience, doubt and unbelief, betrayal, hatred of others, following deceptions and false prophets.
I repent for wickedness, being lukewarm, love gone cold and oppression of the weak and poor. I ask You to break the curses and uproot the iniquity in my family line that has caused spirits of stupor, blind eyes, deaf ears, deceptions, snares, traps, stumbling blocks, retribution for evil and all bent backs. I repent for all stubborn and evil inclinations of our hearts that cause us to go backwards.
Lord, please sprinkle clean water on my entire generational line and cleanse us from our impurities, idols and uncleanness. Please remove our hearts of stone and give us new hearts of flesh and a new spirit that moves us to follow and keep Your laws. Lord, please now listen to my plea and restore in us a heart after Your heart, a heart that administers true justice, mercy, love and compassion instead of unfeeling sacrifice. Lord, I ask for a restoration of the covenant in our family line. Please restore all birthrights, inheritances, blessings, lands, provision, protection and the relationship and intimacy with You. Lord restore in us the belief that with God nothing is impossible. Revive our faith in miracles and the fact that Your supernatural things are for me. Help us to stand firm until the end and let our wholehearted devotion to You bring honor, praise, thanksgiving and glory to Your Name.
I repent for all my ancestors that were grudging, grumblers, hardhearted, tightfisted and harbored evil thoughts towards the poor. I repent for all generational love of money, greed, self reliance, bitter envy, selfish ambition, pride, arrogance and denial of the truth. I repent for all generational doubt and unbelief that replaced love, trust and reliance on You. I repent for those that built their house on sand and did not put Your words into practice.
Lord, please restore feeling in our hearts so we would give and lend cheerfully, willingly, generously and thankfully. Lord, I ask today for godliness with contentment and a thankful attitude for my daily bread. I ask for humility and Your wisdom from above which You give generously. I ask for fire, passion and a burning heart that would move me into action for the things of God. Lord please restore in us a trust and a love of Your Word. Bring it alive and activate it in our hearts so it would once again penetrate, divide and judge the attitudes of our hearts. I ask for another chance for my family, that we would build a new foundation on the cornerstone, Jesus Christ. I ask for the restoration of our hearts so we have the ability to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. I ask for a broken, contrite, pure and noble heart. Help us consider it pure joy when we face trials, knowing that they develop perseverance which brings completeness and maturity.
Lord, I apply the Blood of Jesus to wash away all the bitter roots of iniquity in my family line. Father, forgive us for all this wickedness and iniquity. Lord please remove all generational reproach, blame, shame, guilt, scorn, disgrace and dishonor. Today I make a choice to forgive myself.