Prayer of Repentance for Misandry- The Hatred of Males

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This is intended to be prayed by women.

Heavenly Father, I come before You on behalf of myself, my family line, my gender and my culture to repent and renounce for all hatred and dishonoring of men who have been created in Your image.

I repent for and renounce:

  • All unforgiveness, bitterness, hatred and retaliation towards men who have mistreated women with spiritual, mental, emotional, physical and/or sexual abuse, discrimination, injustice of any kind, rejection, abandonment, debasement and dehumanization through pornography, prostitution, violence, rape and/or slavery.
  • Pride and rejecting God’s design of the human race, of two genders, of marriage and family, His designation of men to be the spiritual leader in marriage and families and His creation of woman to be a helper[1] to man.
  • Independence from men and denying our need of men.
  • Believing the lie that the God-given role of being a helper to men means that women are inferior to men, and for reacting to that lie in rebellion to God and men’s authority.
  • Despising, disrespecting, dishonoring, dismissing, rejecting, and rebelling against my father and other male authority figures and their God-given authority as a result of their sin, imperfections and lack because God requires that we respect the position of authority not just the person.
  • All use of witchcraft and curses against men to inflict death, suffering, pain and everything men have inflicted upon women.
  • Rejection of men and God’s design of men; and rejecting God’s design in the difference between men and women by trying to create a unisex world or a feminized culture and/or trying to alter any male traits in men and boys, constantly trying to change them or demanding more or different from how God created them to be.
  • All genital jealousy.
  • Denying, degrading, disrespecting and not valuing the unique traits that men have of physical and inner strength, fortitude, and protection that differ from female tendencies toward caring, closeness and homemaking.
  • Making fun of any guy interests.
  • Any participation in jokes, ungodly fellowship, ungodly entertainment and/or ungodly media of any kind – romance novels, soap operas, magazines, books, TV shows and internet sources which make fun of, mock and/or belittle men, their character traits, sexuality and/or sexual organs and/or portray views of men, husbands, wives, women, marriage and children which are contrary to the truth, principles and design of God.
  • The fear of men and reacting to the injustices towards women in fear and control, blaming men, retaliating against men and trying to right the injustices towards women in our own strength and not according to God’s ways and principles.
  • Usurping male authority either overtly or by coveting male authority, taking over, controlling situations, withholding information from male authorities, using deception, and/or going around male authorities instead of discussing and initiating change according to biblical principles.
  • Using rebellion, whining, arguing, moods, complaining, crying, pouting, anger, yelling, berating, fussing, disappointment, shame, guilt, resentment, dissatisfactions, stubbornness, rejection, tantrums, domination, nagging, butting in, nitpicking every error, bringing up past errors, criticism, griping and/or manipulation to change men or a situation they have authority over.
  • Seeing men as the enemy, oppressors, predators, insensitive, aggressors, violent and the source of pain instead of as partners in the Kingdom of God, fathers, brothers, friends, and co-laborers in Christ.
  • All disrespectful, hostile, disdainful, dismissive, dominating, disappointed, belittling, mocking, and/or undermining attitudes and behavior towards men.
  • The Jezebel spirit, spirits of manipulation and control, all witchcraft and witchcraft spirits, and every emasculating spirit.
  • Using sexuality for selfish gain, to manipulate, control and/or to gain power.
  • Using men or any relationship with men to gain legitimacy, financial stability or status.
  • Any adherence to and/or propagation of the belief that woman does not need a man.
  • Using any feminist agenda to create laws and social programs that are unfair to men in the guise of liberating women and righting past injustices.
  • The feminist belief of having it all and the feminist thinking which wants to replace love, marriage, and family with personal power and success when God has called an individual to marriage instead of seeing marriage and raising a family as being the God ordained way.
  • Denying the desire for marriage and rejecting marriage out of fear of rejection and shame.
  • Rejecting the God-given roles, responsibilities, and joys of being a wife and mother because of the feminist belief system that women don’t need men or don’t need to raise children to be happy, that married woman at home with children are not real woman fulfilling their potential.
  • Women’s belief that everything male is evil, stupid, and oppressive.
  • Any hostility towards and/or rejecting the responsibilities, obligations and roles a woman has as a wife and mother within the covenantal relationships of marriage and family and/or resenting having to do the domestic work of cooking, cleaning, laundry and child care in a marriage relationship. I acknowledge that both man and woman share domestic responsibilities.
  • All selfishness and self-centeredness in relationships with men and all ingratitude for the qualities and blessings that men bring to relationships, family, culture and society.
  • Elevating pride, selfishness, self-gratification and self-esteem over humility, sacrificial service and love in relationships with men.
  • Being oblivious and insensitive to the destructive behavior of women to men and marriages, ungodly independence, the lack of concern about the needs or desires of husbands, withholding affection from men.
  • Expecting men to be sensitive but withholding sensitivity from men.
  • Looking to relationships with men, marriage and having children as the source of fulfillment and happiness in life rather than a personal relationship with God and taking responsibility for who I am.
  • The sense of entitlement in relationships with men that comes from being impossible to please, demanding perfection, letting feelings of happiness dominate behavior rather than character.
  • Replacing the love of a male with other activities so as to avoid relationships with men.
  • Ignoring and not validating and appreciating the efforts of men in relationships.
  • Neglecting the proper care of husbands and children because of overextending ourselves, wearing ourselves out by trying to do too much and not making the time for and not putting the priority on the relationships with husband and children in the order that God wants us to after our relationship with Him and above our obligations to work and ministry outside of the home.
  • Reversing the order of God-given priorities by putting children ahead of spouses, being obsessed with domestic issues, not caring for our physical appearance, always giving command and forgetting to be a wife, a woman, a lover and a companion during private moments with my husband.
  • Treating our husbands like children instead of the head of the household.
  • Condemning men for not doing their share at home and not acknowledging that they do help.
  • Being deceived by, and adhering to the feminist mindset, which views God, men, marriage, and motherhood, rather than the enemy, as avenues of violence against women.
  • Rejecting the roles of men in God’s Kingdom, marriage, family, and society because of this and dishonoring men by this rejection.

I repent for my own participation in the man-hating spirit. I now break every curse I have spoken over men, in the name of Jesus. I repent of any spiritual rebellion or anger over the choice and design of my Heavenly Father to create men and their God-given place of authority in His kingdom, marriage, family, and society. I accept the male gender and bless them to be all that God created them to be, in the name of Jesus.

I ask you, Father God, to cleanse all misandry for my generational line and restore to the men in my family line the place you originally intended for them. I ask you to bless them with the knowledge of Your design and love, a desire to claim their inheritance and an acceptance of their purpose in You. I forgive all in my family line and through the ages who have operated under the Misandrist spirit.

Heavenly Father, I ask for Your forgiveness for and cleansing in my generational line from everything repented for in this prayer and I ask that You would bring the cleansing forward to me and into the future to a thousand generations of my physical and spiritual seed.

In Jesus name, I accept the God given role of women in His Kingdom, marriage, family and society and I now declare that I, as a woman, will rule together with men over Creation and will walk in the fullness of my God-given birthright and purpose as a woman and as a fellow heir of the grace of life according to God’s design.

[1] Genesis 2:20 states Adam did not find a helper comparable to him. Furthermore, Genesis 1:26&27 states that God made mankind in His image and gave mankind dominion over the earth. In other words, man and women were created to rule equally over creation.

The majority of these prayers are included in our book Generational Prayers – 2022 Edition, which is available in paperback and eBook formats. Visit this page for details.

Come Up Higher and the Exploring Heavenly Places book series provide biblical explanations of our prayers. Visit our bookstore for more information.

These prayers are not a quick fix. Instead, they are starting points as you work out your freedom in Christ. Be ready to adjust these prayers as you and those you pray with listen to the Holy Spirit.

Permission is given to print this prayer in its entirety provided that no changes are made. In addition, please reference Aslan’s Place and on all reproductions. This prayer may not be reproduced in publications without written consent from Aslan’s Place.