Heavenly Father, I come representing and speaking on behalf of my generational line and myself. I thank You for your promise that no weapon formed against me will prosper and every tongue which rises against me in judgment, I shall condemn. I understand Your promise that if we wrongly judge or condemn without a view of mercy, we will also be judged or condemned. Therefore, I ask You Holy Spirit to help examine my own heart so I may see and remember my judgments and condemnations towards other Christians. Help me make a list of those I know I wounded, as well as those who were unaware of my criticism or condemnation. Father, help me find and remove all bitter thoughts and judgments, hurtful proclamations, and every curse I’ve spoken, including all associated prayers not in line with Your will.
Father, I repent for those of us who cursed and murdered members of the Body of Christ with our words by speaking vengeance, slander, gossip, and ungodly judgments; including declarations of lack, zero prosperity, and doom over other Christians, and especially against members of our own family. I also specifically repent for such judgments from our positions of leadership within Your Body as pastors, teachers, apostles, prophets, and evangelists; justifying ourselves because of offense, jealousy, differences in theology, and misunderstandings. Lord, we have sinned with our words and thoughts, thus invoking curses and consequences over others as well as ourselves. Please forgive us.
Father, I confess that with most of these judgments we have kept our lists of offenses or dislike, justifying our wrong responses with willful, stubborn rationalizations that were amplified by our unhealed hurts. I acknowledge that we have not been merciful and we judged outwardly, neither remembering the goodness You see in others’ hearts nor how much You love them. Even worse, these we judged were in Christ so we have invoked curses and condemnation upon Him and His Body. Because I am also in Christ, I confess that as we have judged others, we have been judged. Father, I repent for all this and ask Your forgiveness. Please forgive us Please forgive us for all the damage we caused to Your family—especially Your leaders, their families and followers, as well as all of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Lord Jesus, please bear these curses that we invoked, whether knowingly or unknowingly, and remove them from us.
Father, please cause Your Kingdom to come near, and disconnect both those we have offended and us from all curses and the associated consequences of bitterness, un-forgiveness, mistrust, strife, hate, jealousy, manipulation and estrangement. Father, please disconnect us.
Father, in Jesus’ Name I partner with You to break all ungodly spiritual ties between the offended and ourselves. I renounce, ask, and choose to be disconnected from all unhealthy associations, co-dependencies, and alignments that were made between individuals and family lines. I release them into Your Hands and ask Your blessings over them and their family lines. Please heal every wound we have caused, and cause Your Kingdom to destroy every demon we have loosed. Please release to the offended and their family lines every blessing that has been hindered or stopped because of our verbal sins and iniquity.
Father, please help me speak blessings over those in His Body that we cursed or injured through ungodly words and actions. Help me to reverse these curses by speaking blessings over those on my list. (Insert and repeat as needed: name , I bless you in Jesus’ Name with blessing , blessing , and blessing .) In Jesus’ Name, I bless and speak life to heal the wounds we created in their spirits, souls and bodies. I ask Holy Spirit to help us restore godly unity, walk in love, bless, do good, and pray for these individuals and their families.
Father, You see every Christian curse, judgment, and condemnation released toward my family line and me. Please forgive those members of Your Body who invoked these curses and murderous words upon us, including all prayers not in line with Your will. Please forgive them for partnering with the evil thoughts that came to their mind disguised as their own. Please forgive them for all vengeance, envy, jealously, control, pride and religious manipulation, as well as all subsequent sin including slander, gossip and back biting. Father, Please forgive them? I also choose to forgive and ask You to disconnect us from the resultant ungodly ties, connections, alignments, and associations. Please disconnect, heal and restore us from every evil weapon stabbed in our back or hurting us in any dimension; heal our offenders from the effects of every weapon that came upon them for judging and cursing us; and heal us with Your breath and life in every dimension of our spirits, souls, and bodies.
Father, these curses have an effect of holding both the offenders’ hearts and ours away from You; estranging us from one another and from You, and leaving us feeling like distant servants or orphans who relate to You only from afar. We are kept from resting in our identities as those seated next to You in Christ in heavenly places, and from our ability to experience Christ abiding in us here on earth through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. We are prevented from the realization of our true identities as beloved sons and daughters, and blocked from drawing near to You in our spirit. Father, please release now the fullness of the Kingdom to restore us as beloved sons and daughters in Christ who abide with You in heaven, even as You do with us on earth.
In Jesus’ name, I choose not to wrestle with flesh and blood, meaning those speaking and praying against me; but to walk in love, bless, do good, and pray for these individuals and their families. Holy Spirit, please bring to mind each person, family or family line to which I need to speak out a blessing. (Insert, and repeat and declare as prompted by the Spirit: Name , I bless you in Jesus Name with blessing , blessing , and blessing .) Father, please restore us from all resultant separation and distance from one another to a place of abiding in Christ in love and unity. Please restore all of the offenders’ blessings, prosperity, health, giftings, callings and relationships; and release them into their full destinies.
Father, thank you for restoring me to my abiding role as Your son or daughter as I partner with You to break the curses that were invoked. I take my authority in Jesus’ Name and, seated next to You, declare that the Kingdom of Heaven has come near to dismantle, break, cast off, and annihilate every curse that we have sent, as well as those that were directed toward us. I also declare that no weapon formed against me will prosper, and every enemy that rises against me in judgment is now condemned and cast down.
Father, You see all these curses, and know how evil has instigated and maintained them, never wanting the finger to be pointed at themselves. In Jesus’ Name, I partner with You to take authority over every evil spirit or force that was empowered by all ungodly words and actions noted above and, I declare that:
- The violent advancement of the Kingdom of God is released to divide, conquer, and consume you.
- The Kingdom of God has come near to you to bind, capture, silence, plunder, imprison, and bring judgment upon you.
- It’s your time to stand in judgment before King Jesus.
- Your greatest fear has now come upon you and that you are receiving His righteous justice and judgment before your time.
- What you have stolen in every dimension will be paid back seven fold.
Vengeance is from our Father and that He is now repaying you and your associates completely for what you have done to His children and to Christ’s Body.