This page provides resources for our Ephesians Bible study series.
Ephesians Student Notes – Lesson One
Ephesians Student Notes -Lesson Two
Summary of EHP Books through Volume 14
Interview with the Apostle Paul
Personal Discernment Notes for the Head and Body
Holiness before God
Key Words that Describe the Apostolic Wineskin Rob Gross
Realized Eschatology vs Futuristic Escatology
Sacrament or Seal Ephesians 1 13
The Praise of God
Apostolic Function Rob Gross
Christian Mystics
Election in Christ vs. Determinism
Gate, Gates, Gatekeeper-Scriptures
Discussion on the term Fullness
Study on the word Love in the Bible
Study on the word Glory in the Bible
Discussion of Fullness
Presentation on Eyes of the Heart
Discussion on Effectual Calling
Notes on Powers
Study on the word Wisdom in the Bible
The Inspiration of the Church
Historical Perspective on Principalities, Powers, and All Things
Discussion of Source Criticism
Discussion of Form Criticism
Verses that discuss how we continue to learn from God: 1 Corinthians 13:9-12, Proverbs 25:2, Ephesians 2:6-7, Psalm 25:4-5