Father I renounce all ungodly spiritual ties with my husband [or wife], my children, friends, mother, father, grandparents, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, and sexual partners.
I renounce all ungodly spiritual ties with anyone who has had homosexual relationships, with sexual abusers, with pornography, with any person who has engaged in an inappropriate touch, with emotional abusers, physical abusers; with anyone I’ve had a romantic relationship with and with any object of fantasy.
I renounce all ungodly spiritual ties with pastors, leaders, other Christians, ungodly prophecies, past churches, denominations, false doctrines, ungodly ministries, employers, fellow workers, ungodly intellectuals, teachers, classmates, entertainers, heroes, musicians, ungodly music, political figures, and gangs.
I renounce all ungodly spiritual ties with the dead, inanimate objects, trinkets, charms, idols, jewelry, any material object, false gods, saints, psychics, fortune tellers, occult leaders, mediums, astrologers, spiritualists, new age individuals, martial arts, gurus, Mantras, chanting, yoga, fraternities, secret societies, and sororities.
I renounce all ungodly ties with pets, animals, food, books, law enforcement groups, people I have made blood pacts with, military personnel, doctors, nurses, lawyers, acupuncturists, and healers; with buildings, land areas, anyone who cursed me because of an accident, anyone who was angry, dishonest people, and foolish people.