This is part two of a two part event. Part one occurs on August 19th, 2023 and will had a separate registration fee. We highly recommend that you participate in the live event or watch the recording for Part 1 before joining this event, but it is not a requirement.
Participation in this event is available online through Zoom and in-person.
Meeting Time: 10AM to 5PM PDT
Lunch is included for all in-person participants.
A recording of this event will be provided for all registered participants.
This event will be facilitated by Paul L. Cox, Barbara Kain Parker, and Brian P. Cox.
This event will continue the discussion about dreams from Part 1, but the majority of the time will be discussion of your dreams and possible interpretations.
We may also share dreams that others have had in the past in regards to generational issues.
The event will be less interactive with everyone, mostly focusing on one person at a time.