
Prayer to Retrieve Scattered Parts

Father, please rescue me from every ungodly place to which I’ve been scattered in my lifetime and make me complete. Please retrieve every part of me that is entrapped in the ungodly width, length, depth and height, time, the stars, the zodiac or on the ungodly grid. Please disconnect me […]

Prayer for Releasing Burdens

In Jesus name, I repent for anytime I or those in my family line overstepped authority or took on burdens and responsibilities that you did not intend us to carry. I repent for anytime I or those in my family line: Tried to be a savior to others Tried to […]

Righteousness Prayer

Lord, please remove all generational and lifetime false grace and cheap grace, which is really lawlessness linked to an anti-Christ spirit.  I understand that this false grace has resulted in an ungodly connection with the imposter who is the false I Am.  I also understand that the false grace teaching […]

A Backdoor Prayer

I often wonder what a life experience would mean if it were a dream, but this time it never crossed my mind.  I’d been really happy with my laptop for more than six years, but now it seemed to be in rapidly declining health; either running excruciatingly slow or freezing […]

Elements Prayer

An introduction for this prayer is available here. Lord, I ask you to remove the ungodly thrones that have been manipulating the fiery stones, the essence of who I am.  I no longer allow the basic equations of my spirit, soul and body to be affected by ungodly thrones.  Please […]