Daily Archives: June 26, 2013

Prayer to Release Me Into Abundant Life

I repent for myself and for my generational line for blaming God for wronging us. For myself and for my generational line, I repent for blaming God for bringing us into shame by stripping us of our glory and removing the crowns from our heads. For myself and for my […]

Prayer to Repent for Ungodly Intercession

For myself and my generational line I repent for and renounce all ungodly prayers ever uttered, including controlling witchcraft prayers and prayers birthed out of fear instead of faith. Lord, please remove all that evil from my life, and from my DNA, and please restore Your presence and the power […]

Prayer of Release from Being a Sacrifice

Father forgive me and my generational line for placing our sins and blame on others and chasing them away or making them scapegoats. I repent for myself and my family line for wittingly or unwittingly receiving the sins and blame of others or allowing myself to be the sacrifice or […]