
Aslan’s Place is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt ministry.

If you feel led to give to Aslan’s Place,
please use one of these methods:







Donate by check

Please make checks payable to Aslan’s Place.

Mailing address:
Aslan’s Place
13312 Ranchero Rd
STE 18, PMB 522
Oak Hills, CA 92344




Donate by Credit Card

To donate by credit card,

add a donation item to your bookstore shopping cart by clicking the DONATE button below.

You can then continue shopping, or check out and pay by credit card.

Note: As of February 14, 2023 donations are processed through our bookstore.
That means you’ll be able to track your purchases and donations through your bookstore account.
(We’ll still send a donation letter at the end of each year.)

Donate via PayPal

To donate by PayPal,

add a donation item to your shopping cart by clicking the DONATE button below.

You can then continue shopping, or check out and pay via PayPal.

Note: As of February 14, 2023 donations are processed through our bookstore.
That means you’ll be able to track your purchases and donations through your bookstore account.
(We’ll still send a donation letter at the end of each year.)




Donate via TransferWise

To donate through TransferWise, please Contact Us and let us know which country you are in.  We will then provide the transfer information for that country.

Note: We can only receive donations through TransferWise from accounts in:
the European Economic Area (EEA), Canada, US, UK, Switzerland, Australia, and New Zealand